
Reminds me of a mid 90s tv movie of Cinderella that went racially blind. The prince's mother was white and his father was black, while the prince was asian. I was really confused by that. Was the prince adopted or did asian babies come from blacks and whites in the magical world of cinderella?

A slide across the hood is one thing. Standing on the roof, sliding down the windshield and hood is another.

The slide down the car in the last episode was my favorite 'no human would ever do this in real life' moment.

I hope Munch shows up for a scene on one of those other shows so his overall total goes up. The character has been on the air for 20 years and on 10 different shows with mentions on more. No other character comes close.

The husband killed the girl in the cistern. He mentioned to Viola Davis that they found her in a water tank but the lady on the news voiceover just said that she was found at the sorority, unless I missed that bit of the voiceover. I will think highly of the show if that was a clue, but there is the possibility that

Travis Bickle from Taxi Driver. Great movie, but he is not role model for the Travises.

Numbers could be really boring. I just imagine Ben Stein narrating the first couple of chapters.

How about an Obi Wan style ghostly visit from David Palmer?

I have always found that it use easier for me to commit evil acts in games with less story while the opposite is true in story focused games. I am not sure if this is because of the negative reaction of NPCs to my evil acts or if the evil choices in most games with choices are not just evil but really dickish. This

My only thought is that he is still alive because Chloe hacked the camera, looped it and Jack ran in and saved him but that seems far fetched.

You could see the writing on the wall with his poor wife the entire episode. Before tonight she was just a woman at his job but with just a few scenes they make us care about her. So well done.

I have never met a hit man, so obviously I have never accidentally hired one, killed my wife, framed my brother and some how got away with it all. But if I did and then I saw that hit man a year later, I would avoid him like the plague. If Lester just payed for his drink and went to his room he would have gotten away

The time did fly by in this episode. I had the same thought at the same time and I have to agree about all the good guys. It would be a horrible punch in the gut having any of them die next week.

He wasn't. He was a mailman.

I'd imagine it would and better yet, his simp son's characters would still be alive. If I invented the Sliders reality shifting portal thingy I'd find a universe where he didn't die and get myself copies of those dvds. It would be the cornerstone of my media of the multiverse export business.

He could be the big bad revealed in the last arc with a facial scar and an eyepatch. He will be seeking revenge against Chloe and jack for the attack that killed his kid. It wouldn't be the most absurd 24 twist ever.

Or it is an elaborate alibi service provided by the real estate/assassin office they showed a couple of episodes ago.

For some reason the shitty printout he had on the white board in the meeting just made the scene for me.

It has to. It is an interesting cautionary tale for anyone trying to get away with murder. If there is evidence of your inside your hand, get rid of it! I've never been in that position but I would slice my hand open to get that ball out. Hands heal, murder convictions usually don't.

What about Huinn? It kind of sounds like the way Stewie from Family Guy enunciates the H in a wh-word.