
Nobody finishes their food on TV just like nobody says goodbye when talking on the phone on tv.

Especially after "getting drunk and doing something I regret" was part of the game. I figured it was foreshadowing a drunken hookup.

My bet is that they pitched love boat on a train to the network and when it looked like they would pass they added "did I mention is was a really big train?" Sold!

I always love the late 80s/early 90s mainstream show full of white people tackles racism episode. At the time, as a middle class white kid from a town with one black family, I had no problems with them. Now they really make me uncomfortable. Some Quantum Leap episodes especially. There is a subtext with the episodes

Having seen The Jerk on basic cable in the late 80s/early 90s I thought the dog's name was Stupid as opposed to Shit Head. I felt like such a child when a friend corrected me on it.

I can totally see Nick having a Menage a trois in one of their cartoons. 

I can totally see Nick having a Menage a trois in one of their cartoons. 

I clapped with glee when I saw that. I'm expecting Tywin to be wearing it soon.

I clapped with glee when I saw that. I'm expecting Tywin to be wearing it soon.

The reaction of Tyrion, Joffrey and the pyromancer was amazing as well. Both Joff and the pyromancer had looks of glee while tyrion had the sort of astonished dread that I imagine the scientists at trinity had. 

The reaction of Tyrion, Joffrey and the pyromancer was amazing as well. Both Joff and the pyromancer had looks of glee while tyrion had the sort of astonished dread that I imagine the scientists at trinity had. 

I think this episode partially suffers from the long production time a show like the Simpsons has. Lady Gaga makes for an interesting topic… last year when her latest album just came out and she was at the height of her media over-saturation. I honestly hadn't though of her since at least the Glee episode that

I think this episode partially suffers from the long production time a show like the Simpsons has. Lady Gaga makes for an interesting topic… last year when her latest album just came out and she was at the height of her media over-saturation. I honestly hadn't though of her since at least the Glee episode that

I agree and I suspect that his lightning redirection trick will be the key to overcoming the electric gloves. 

That's exactly what I'm thinking. I really hope they move Community as well. Thursdays at 8 o'clock is an impossible time slot.

I'm kind of hoping they have a version of him in the wings. Maybe supervisor for Jonah or something who only pops up when the Veep really fucks shit up.

It annoyed me that there was no Zuko.

I liked how neither parent went with Sue to the orthodontist.

Thank You! I knew I saw him somewhere but did not care enough to scrounge around IMDB.

If you want to go that route, Dirty Randy would make a great name for a dog.