
Would have never guessed that's James Dean, but I can see it if you look real closely.

I always get him and his brother Joseph mixed up. Turns out Joe was the guy who played a mobster on "The Sporanos" who got whacked and then had a rat stuffed in his mouth in a rather brutal scene.

Ya Darn Tootin'!

When I was a kid (late 60's), I used to get a kick out of Dr. Bombay.

What's weird is "Give 'Em Enough Rope" was their most-recent album at that point, but "London Calling" was already in the can. They only played 2 cuts off G.E.E.R. (probably my fave. 2—then & now), but the four new songs and all their early stuff and killer non-album singles (which my old roommate had as import

>>Wendy & Lisa<<

Was that really Anson Williams on lead vocal?

I haven't read Keith's book…care to explain the "Brenda" reference for the uninitiated?

Not maybe not…NOT!

Most anything they did up to and including "Combat Rock" is still awesome all these years later. "Sandanista!" is hit or miss…


I don't wanna' die fighting in the Falklands Strait!

I was a Clash fan in '79, and was happy when the US version of the debut album came out.

We had a hedge back home in the suburbs
Over which I never could see

>>I used napster to search for the Clash's version<<

The new groups are not concerned
With what there is to be learned
They got Burton suits, ha you think it's funny
Turning rebellion into money

>>I love all the Clash albums. Except Sandinista<<

Yep! Every time it's on, I gotta stop and watch for a bit.

I hate the army and I hate the RAF!