Kid Vengeance


That's the one thing I dislike about reading the AV Club - the bitter, bitter jealousy of the writers and their amazing careers.

Yeah, there's tons of terrible releases of lots of public domain spaghetti westerns, many of which are nigh unwatchable. Still, it doesn't stop me from buying those 50 packs of em for like $10. Certain genres, Spaghetti Westerns, Horror, Sci-Fi, Kung-Fu, just feel right when approached for quantity not quality

Was it Keith Phipps who totally teased us in one of the AV Q&A's saying something like "I'm always on tour with my band, and doing all sorts of crazy projects that I'm not going to talk about here…"

oops, yeah, sorry about that. I got a little over excited there. I realized a little late that I didn't need to mention it every time I wanted to contribute to the conversation. Really, I shouldn't comment anywhere before noon, I'm never really awake till then.

Oh man, yeah! A Giallo one is WAY overdue! Maybe a Polizie one, too. Or a Pinky Violence one.

Maybe I'll look them up and badger them into sending me a copy.

THAT'S the one! It starts really great, and has a fantastic premise, but it looses some steam as it goes. I still consider it a fine purchase, though (as I got a bootleg from a pornshop, as we do in NY)

Damn! and I thought we were the first. Is that available somewhere? I'd love to hear another take on that.

Wow, I will TOTALLY check that out! That sounds right up my alley! Morricone is my favorite, but there were lots of great italian soundtrack composers, which I'm glad you brought up - Pierro Piccione, and Piero Umiliani should definitely be mentioned. And of course Nino Rota.

YES! Way to represent Lee Van Cleef, a wonderful and largely unappreciated great! Seriously, just his name in the credits is enough for me to check out a Spaghetti Western. I totally agree about "Death Rides a Horse" in particular. There's also that weird Western Kung Fu movie with him, what is that called? Not

Nope, Lee Van Cleef, the Score, the twisty plot, lightening fast pace (for a Spaghetti Western) and gritty violence were enough for me to recommend this one. I actually love it. And it was a big influence on our Spaghetti Western Concept rap album - download for free at sunsetparkriders.com !

You know, I LOVE Morricone. Easily my favorite composer, and I collect tons of his music and listen to it all the time, but I must admit, this one song is terrible. And racist.

Also, if you're into Spaghetti Westerns, you should check out my Spaghetti Western Concept Rap album, called "Showdown at the BK Corral." It's basically an epic Spaghetti Western over 9 tracks - very influenced by Leone and Morricone. You can download it for free at sunsetparkriders.com Makes a great soundtrack

Hells yeah! And adding to the grimy Spaghetti Westerns list, I have to throw in "Four of the Apocalypse." Totally brutal, totally awesome. Another favorite that was left out is "Death Rides a Horse" featuring Mr. Lee Van Cleef, but it's been awhile since I've seen it, Quirk, but that scene does sound familiar.

Once Upon a Time is my favorite western of all time, in general - Spaghetti or otherwise. It's just so huge and epic, it's hard to compete with.

There's also that Spaghetti Western Concept RAP album, tho i hear those dudes are actually Jews and not black.

FREAKS is Brilliant! True Classic. This, at just over an hour, is seriously difficult to get through. I don't think I ever have, and I've tried a bunch. I'm also a huge fan of all manner of exploitation and trash films, and still couldn't do it.

Comics Roundup?
How come this isn't in the Comics Roundup section? Is it a comment on it's quality or status? Or format?

And not just ANY copywriting - it's Direct Marketing copywriting. He's the agreed expert on writing for junk mail!