Kid Vengeance

That's so funny, because my girlfriend does not like Dylan either. Being the fan that I am, I bought this on the day it came out and she LOVES it! The other day she was listening to it when I wasn't there, and she actually started it over after it finished. She just loves Christmas carols, and despite what some

Marquis De Sade?
Are you going to take him up on his offer to write something? Could he get a regular column? That would be amazing!

Yeah, the original is actually heartbreaking

This sounds an awful lot like the Spanish movie "Who Could Kill a Child?" ("Cuando Matar un Nino", or something to that effect), which is really freakin' awesome if you haven't seen it.

Hey! 1960's Italian Soundtracks!
I LOVE those!

wow, you're on crack.

It's definitely amazing - and was actually on Broadway, weird tho that may seem.

Clearly neither one of them were Avenue Q, because it is the SHIT! It is seriously hilarious!

That's a neat-0 Panda!
but what do the minions look like? Am I really going to have to check out another site? I recall having the same problem with the review of the first one.

Woah, good call on Edward Scissorhands.

"…all-too-predictable genre exercises."
Um… what genre?

and don't forget "Turn it On" and the one from Clouds Taste Metallic - both awesome openers. Never thought about that before.

meh - I'm in the one-album-wonder camp for Arcade Fire. I'll give Neon Bible another chance eventually, but I'm not hugely motivated to.

Oh, man, his way over the top narrations are some of the best parts of that movie. That cough at the end is a great touch, tho. Makes the whole movie seem that much self-aware, but I find it genuinely hard to tell how seriously they took that whole thing. Herschels acting (and name, for chrissakes) also makes it

We projected it at a "Porn and Martini" Party we had once. I was entertained, but it totally cleared out the room. His penis-hands were actually somewhat convincing, I recall, but that was the sequel. Probably Penis-hand technology had advanced in between

haha, i feel you tho! I've seen that intro like thousands of times. But you can't skip it. It's too awesome, and it's the perfect appetizer to an evening of Something Weirds.

And, I'll say it again-

I Agree - start with Mothership Connection. It's also probably the most solid listen of any album they've put out. Rock solid funk, beginning to end. And soooo damned catchy. You already know half the album, the otherhalf, you'll think you already knew.

I'll say it - Something Weird is primarily a distribution company, not so much a production company.

Holy Hell, not only is Blood Freak TOTALLY essential, you HAVE to get the Something Weird/Image release of it. Definitely some of the best special features ever. The anti drug movie - "Narcotics: Pit of Despair" is genuinely impressive. It manages to be a narrated educational film strip that's wildly entertaining