Kid Vengeance

Is anyone else irritated by the premise of this movie?
I haven't seen it, and I'd give it a chance, but come on - we're all grown up enough to accept that the only way people are going to continue to produce quality media and art is with product placement, since people aren't paying for shit any more. I'm glad, for

YES! That movie is FANTASTIC! Don't forget Naked Kung-Fu and Aerobics!


Spider Baby!
I've watched Spider Baby on several Halloweens and it never disappoints. The tone is a little odd though - comedy horror that's kind of more morose than scary or funny. Lon Chaney Jr. is great here, though, and it's just so menacing and weird, really like nothing else.

I'll second that. The sequel weren't too bad, neither.

Oh i LOVE those movies! Original and "remake"!

I have the same headphones problem Ed Burst has with the early Dylan albums - too much vocals on one side, guitar on the other. never bothered my till I started commuting by via the subway. It's definitely a welcome improvement.

yeah, I hear you on that. I hope you didn't stop at Inferno, tho. He's got a heap of great ones from the 70's and some not bad ones from the 80's. Deep Red and 4 flies on Grey Velvet are both really great Giallos.

woah woah WOAH! Paris 1919 is a CLASSIC! You go back right now and give that album another chance! Now, dammit!

Everyone knows you can't grow beards in space.

I finally got Propeller a week or two ago. WOW! I've been listening to the HELL out of it! All the GBV albums take a minute to get into, but man do they grab hold and don't let go.

And doesn't Temple of Doom seem to take place before Raiders? Or is that just me? Or does it seem to be out of things altogether, like some sort of fictionalized account of the character of the other? Either way, it's some weirdo shit that fits in with the others even less than that new one did.

der, I read that as the order is so NECESSARY. Which I think it ironically true in some ways, as I mentioned. But yeah, Evil Dead/Evil Dead II is a great counter there.

Ironic, yes, but I totally see what you mean. More of an experiential thing than a continuing plot or character thing.

I have to go with Once Upon a Time in the West, but as this article makes clear, For A Few Dollars More is a painfully underrated film, and probably my second favorite Western of all time. I think it's much more lyric and understated than GBU, without sacrificing any of the pulp/action/fun

As for the Woody Allen/Dylan thing, I do think it's a jab at both Dylan, and his insipid fans, but despite being a massively huge Dylan fan, I was never bothered by it because it's all just another facet of Woody Allen's deeply flawed character. Of course he's smug about anything the kids are into - drugs, pop music,

Yeah, I think the Bond comment was just a friendly jab, but I think it probably meant something totally different back then than it seems to now. It's tough to imagine at the time the Beatles were just really LOUD compared to other music of the time. What with the loudness war, punk and heavy metal, not to mention

Yeah, I totally, El Santo, I think that was a BRILLIANT addition to the game. My girlfriend loved collecting all the starbits and then shooting them at guys. She was probably more excited about playing than I was, just so she could do that. Made the whole game that much more fun and cooperative.

Yep, and that's why I bought Dazzle Ships, and MAN was a pleased! Seriously, the day I got it, I played it 4 times in a row, I just kept starting it over after it ended. I would have played it more, but I was already late to a party, or something. Soooooooooo good!