Kid Vengeance

I feel so validated!
I am SUCH a huge Something Weird nerd, but for some reason, never thought the gurus over here at AV Club gave a shit about it! Nice!

You know what? I think Harry Shearer has to have the most enviable career of anyone on this planet.

White guy rapping
I listened to some of his stuff awhile ago on myspace, and I have to say, I get really irritated by white rappers who feel the need to defend or discuss their whiteness. Does anyone really give a shit? I can't really think of anything that would make me dismiss an artist faster than them

The biggest late fee i've ever racked up from a video store
Was this movie. I forget- 18 days? At least i saw it a bunch of times. I had already caught it in the theater, which remains a point of pride. Way to give some attention to a way under appreciated movie!

I was a little disappointed with this list
You guys did a fantastic list awhile ago of lost concept albums that introduced me to a bunch of new ones, and certainly there are a few of those here I might check out, but with the title of this list, I was thinking of something a little more challenging than a list of good

Guided By Voices
Now, I'm as big of a GBV fan as anyone, and I TOTALLY dig Under The Bushes, but I really had a hard time getting into that album. As I did for almost all of their albums. If you're really trying to initiate someone into the GBV cult, I'd start at Bee Thousand (tho' my personally favorite is Alien

C. Twitty?
How does Conway Twitty feel about this?

I agree!