
there's always green cine daily.

I'm legit sad.

I dunno man, my grandparents are hella into Hsiao-hsien and Reygadas

Trust Me
I'm a Doctor

The Acadamy has the worst taste in foreign films I have ever seen. It's really baffling.

the posters? really?

hells yeah

Just so that there's at least some dissent in here, The Incredibles is my least favorite Pixar film. (though I haven't seen Cars yet)

He's the greatest actor of his generation.

soon, all movies will have this technology! it enhances the verisimilitude

Nicholas Cage is amazing.

I would totally risk burning to death if it meant watching everything in silver nitrate.

I just don't agree with the basic idea that all major changes made film "more immediate"

The real answer is to convert to a radical sect of Mormonism and move to Utah.

He only married her for her money. For shame Archie.

yeah, it's horrible that actors have no control over their performances whatsoever.

I think it's really sad that I actually do not believe that Pacino has another good performance left in him, let alone a great one.

we get it hank III, pop country sucks, do you have anything else to say?

My Jessica Biel Impression
"Well, I guess I'll take off my clothes if the movie has artistic merit…

The Unreleased Recordings
Is a fantastic set, just an absolute revelation. It may get more plays than my traditional boxset.