

shelley duvall is the best actress ever and you're wrong

ah, I misread you, for some reason I thought you were using "the best" in a kind of general way, rather than just the best Moore adaptations. Carry on.

You should have seen the movie BEFORE Guccione got to it!

If watching the movie ruins your enjoyment of the book, you didn't like the book in the first place.

Grizzly Bear came to the AV Club's door with flowers and chocolate, and gradually seduced them in a grueling and meticulous three-month process.

If it's the best why is it only worth a boring Saturday?

Doesn't he kill a man with a bazooka in one of them? I'm wondering if that came from a Deathwish movie or a dream.

p.s I have not seen Solaris.

the ten minute long scene of cars driving on a freeway is the best part of solaris.

the shining is a movie

I'd watch it.

Yeah Yeah Yeah, Everyone Else
But VINCERE! That sounds fantastic!

I mean, I don't think that William Defoe is dedicated to the art enough to have his balls smashed off by a hammer.

I think he was joking?

I disagree. Quentin: Doin' Work would have been hilarious.

Hell Fucking Yeah
Pigs, Pimps & Battleships. It is time to celebrate.

Am I the only one
Who's favorite New York Dolls song is "Frankenstein?"

Well, I'm probably not going to see this now.

Yeah Elmer Bernstein is, indeed, a badass, but this just reminds me about how Herrmann was even more of a badass.