
Everyone I disagree with is literally Hitler

I'll admit to reading the book, but it's the only Harry Potter that I legitimately remember nothing about.

Lefty Frizzell
Hells yeah.

I'll say breakbeats.

Yeah, I'd definitely be up for a primer as well. This is a genre that is so huge and which I really don't know where to start.

And here was men, thinking that she was rising from a state of death like a horrific zombie or some such.

Cleo from 5 to 7 is fantastic
Watch it

I mentioned it! But yeah, Schifrin is fantastic.

I really like Williams, but I wouldn't necessarily say that. Besides the fact that people can, you know, have different tastes, a lot of people bring up him stealing from other composers, which I wouldn't know the first thing about and can't really push aside.

Elfman's scores get less interesting to me as time goes on, but there are still a few (Edward Scissorhands comes to mind) that still get to me.

I've heard some people complaining about it, saying that it drew too much attention to itself or something, but isn't that what the whole movie is about? It's a _big_ movie, a more inconspicuous score wouldn't have played to that.

I find it a bit disappointing that Shore is overwhelmingly better known for his Lord of the Rings score (which I like btw) and a lot of his Cronenberg work is just ignored, especially Videodrome.

Yeah, …Jessie James had an amazing soundtrack, you should check it out.

I'd be up for it.

Lalo Schifrin
Anyone mention him yet? His score for Bullitt is a fuckin' beast.

I usually hate the "dinky casio sound," but Carpenter is certainly the exception.

Yeah, what about Hermann? His Vertigo soundtrack is still the highmark for me.

By the way, I thought it was just a crazy Fundamentalist nightmare about Communist states, but I watched Europa, Europa later and it had basically the same scene in it switching out Castro for Stalin so maybe stuff like that actually took place?

If nothing else, this is the only place on the AV Club where we can talk about country music.

Knoxville Girl still ties my stomach in knots every time I hear it.