
Kelly's Cartoon are often the best part of the Onion.

I actually like his little stand up storytelling sessions, but I remember seeing one video where he told a story, not brilliant but funny, and it was followed by that story making it into one of his films, where it was absolutely horrible. Mr. Smith, pick up the microphone, but down the camera.

Why did you start at Clerks?

C'mon Guys
There is far too little discussion about Ultron on this board.

Yeah, definitely my favorite SNL sketch.

Don't disrespect the thumbs up.

This exact same chain of events is responsible for 35% of Obsessed's revenue.

I think Irreversible is a movie it's impossible to get any sort of consensus on, at least not until fifty years down the road.

I think the real story here is that Smith is going to direct a film that he didn't direct. I'm not a fan of Smith's writing, but who the hell would watch this?

Sad to Hear
About Bright Star. Keats is my favorite romantic by far, and I was hoping that Campion could actually bring this above a mediocre biopic. Keats deserves better.

I felt the same way when I first saw it. For all the cynicism of the '40s noirs, the ending of Chinatown brings it to another level of pure nihilism and hopelessness. Whereas earlier noirs usually had a comeuppance ending (even if it was only due to the production code) Chinatown ends with evil winning, explicitly and

I like Cassavetes more and more, but they're always kinda tedious to me. Absorbing, but tedious. It's the damnedest thing.

When I first saw a Sirk movie I didn't know the reputation and felt a bit weird how much I was absolutely loving this 1950's melodrama.

I'd argue that if you cut, say, 2001 to half it's length it would not be worth watching at all. I actually agree on Sellers other than Strangelove, I've never been able to find him really clever in anything else. Still haven't seen Being There though, so I'll withhold judgment.

Oh I love Neil Young's voice. The strange thing about it is that not only does he not look like he would have that voice, but you would have no way of knowing even by his tones of speech. And then that wonderful fragile falsetto comes out of nowhere.

Are we going to get into a Kael/Sarris nerd slapfight? Because I am so ready.

I love every Fellini film I've seen except for La Dolce Vita, I don't know what's wrong with me.

A lot of people just don't notice things like lighting and camera angles in the first place, even those as grandiose as Welles', I know I didn't really the first time.

Concept albums suck
No album has ever been good by virtue of being a concept album, a few have been good despite being concept albums.