
1) that's the point

oh christ

It seems that critics can't decide even after seeing the movie.

Are these even punny jokes anymore?

Well I won't be seeing Fish Tank that's for sure.
Not a huge fan of British Kitchen Sink dramas, and if this one's not excellent I think I can give it a pass.

I doubt it, Isn't she a big movie star is Japan, or did I make that up?

Only two or three times? If you are not consistently crying through It's A Wonderful Life you get your American citizenship revoked.

It was a rare A+

Now I know what I'm seeing this weekend.

Looks a hell of a lot better than the other 9 coming out this year. It's only produced by Burton though, just to make that clear.

Oh no, do we need to break off from the naked catholic church?

Bad comment, excellent commenter name.

Where should I start with the earlier, "chronicler of life in the video age" Egoyan? Anyone?

Yeah, I'll probably still see it at some point (even if it is just on DVD) but the more I read up on it the more it seems like a Anderson retread.

Aw Man
I was assuming that this movie was going to be the best movie ever! How could this property, with this director, go wrong?

Herzog dissed him first.

Oh yeah, definitely. Of all the images in Ford films, Fonda balancing on the porch post is the one that sticks out most for me, strangely enough.

They suck too.

God damn, another fuckin payback with a twist
Them motherfuckers shot but the punks missed
Ice Cube is out-gunned, what is the outcome?
Will they do him like Malcolm?

Didn't we Already Know this?
I could have sworn I heard about this a month ago.