
So two questions:

Proceeds to transcribe an essay onto the appropriate Wikipedia page without attribution, copies said Wikipedia article wholesale and passes it off as his own.

Unless … unless he secretly wrote the Wikipedia articles himself, and then copied them, in some sort of meta-twee take on plagiarism.

@Captcha Reader: I'm not buying it. It's a mistake and you know it!

What if you were a baby? Like, a little 8-month old?

Well he does throw toys from a pram, allegedly.

I was also ten for most of 1993! (side question: do others of you born in 82/83 consider yourselves Millennials or Gen-Xers?)

You sound like a wonderful employee. I noticed you conjugated "To work" in the past tense!

The fact that I've seen this story reported at least twice in the past two days on different sites just goes to show that the A.V. Club has gone from my go-to site for the latest pop culture news and analysis to, at best, an aggregator of stories I'm interested in (albeit after I've read them elsewhere).

Actually, Tony would be in roughly the same spot he is now with two garden variety HII. There are three TCs left before the final TC, and you can't use a HII to get into the top three.

So the umlaut was more common (as used by the New Yorker), say, in the early to mid 20th century?

So you're saying that in the last 5-10 years the incidence of legitimate gluten allergies plus celiac disease skyrocketed for no apparent reason?

Can we have a sub-discussion on this? Why does the New Yorker do that? It's a mystery I've been trying to crack for at least five years with no luck.

It's what you give a super tramp when its hair is too long!

Is is me, or is it impossible to read those without the voice of Robert Stack narrating the article?

Ben Britten's children's symphonies, and a smattering of Ye-ye from the sixties.

Well, whatever I told you, I certainly don't miss Julianne.

I met this girl, she looked like Axl Rose. Got drunk and took her home, and we slept in our clothes. Got rid of Axl by the afternoon, thought, "Being awake never felt like this before."

Jason Alexander says as much in one of the many, many special feature interviews on the DVD set. I think its the episode that starts at the bank and George is wearing a tennis sweater.

But we don't wanna hear from a scientist