
Well, if you're Donald J. Drumpf, then John McCain was a POW due to his incompetence, which is just as much "there by his own actions" as Cap crashing the plane.

I don't mean to derail this very interesting conversation, but as soon as I read "but I only grew up as the son of a naval doctor" I was immediately pulled out of reading your post because all I could think of was Max Fischer saying:
"Look, I may not be rich, Mr. Blume, my father may only be a doctor, but we manage."

Shit, guys, Truman here figured it out. Lights out, Christof.

Where would you peg the odds that Jason is a Juggalo?

" Aubry and Joe have been strategizing pretty well together to this point…"

My geeky friends at work and I were talking about how awesome it would be if the Snyder-verse turned out to be Earth-3, and these last two movies were showing us the rise of the Crime Syndicate.

I also love Philip Marlowe movies. Have you seen the Long Goodbye with Elliott Gould?

Sorry Ms. Dawn. I was just speculating on what I thought the plot twist might be, based solely on the review, and without having seen the movie. Thank you for taking the time to correct me six months later.

I think we might be secret internet best friends. Watching familiar TV is the only thing that makes ironing tolerable for me.

Inasmuch as I haven't ever watched it on Netflix, I'm a little sad to see M*A*S*H go.

The AV Club
The logical end of the GOP's 50 years of appealing to people's worst fears

Love this. This is how I'll pretend it was written from now on.

But have you considered that perhaps @LeaveTheBronx:disqus died in 2005 and is posting from beyond the grave?

Can't the AVClub track this extra down and ask him/her? Why do we have an Internet if not for this very reason!?

You win the internet today, my friend.

But don't you see? The time travelers meddling would have changed that article! Gosh, go and watch the extended version of Back to the Future II and watch Old Biff fade away and you'll see what I mean!

I'm over 20 and it was and always has been "-stain"

That was something Weiner certainly forgot to Chekhov his list of loose plot-points.

Given this line in the review: "…an Atlanta city clerk whose teenage son is gunned down, seemingly at random, during a drive-by shooting…" I'm guessing the twist is something like her son was a violent drug dealer who killed someone else's son and (as I'm typing this I'm realizing) probably J. Lo's son.

Um… that's INCORRECT, but okay.