
she's such a weirdo. i love her.

you could also make yourself a nice goddamn glass of bulleit rye.

all the likes in the world

every time an avclub regular says something particularly stupid or culturally insensitive, i feel a little disappointed. no idea why.

ha! i also bought tix for them in SF solely because i wanted to see k.flay, but then they had to cancel, and k.flay did a pop-up show with sirah at neck of the woods instead, which worked out fine for me!


dan harmon's aborted baby gets renewed and happy endings gets cancelled.


it's a stretch, but i'll take it!

logged in for the first time in like… a year just to give a shout out to his tremendous work as smiling jack in vampire the masquerade: bloodlines, a 9 year old computer game. because it was that good. (his work and the game) (okay the first 3/4 of the game).

i'm pretty sure amy acker will bring in the unwashed Whedon masses.

i'm so relieved fringe is a rerun tonight. since i won't be at home per my usual sci fi dork shut-in (fringe's target audience!) routine.

great interview. in all honestly i always preferred bourdain to zimmern when it came to globetrottin', food eatin', culture experiencin' because i always got the sense that the central conceit of Bizarre Foods was the titillating "ooh, what gross food will Andrew eat next!" factor. i'll check out his show again with

apparently the guy who wrote that song is a huge douchebag. surprise!

having never played any of the previous games, i bought AC:B on a lark a few weeks ago. it does a really quick catch-up that essentially covers the whole story up to that point, which renders the actual purchase and playthrough of AC1 and 2 somewhat unnecessary (at least for the purpose of storyline catchup).

it's pretty fun.

in an incredible hilarity-packed half-hour, WHISKER BASKET was the best line.


i think we have to ratchet down our expectations for this caliber of a show. just close your eyes to the crazy plot flaws and tell yourself a wizard did it.

yeah, the wife and i totally caught that blink and for the rest of the episode figured she would survive. the way the show treats it though, i think it was a case of "actress had something in her eye, ruined scene".