
seriously. even if he wasn't a badass assassin (badassassin?) he's freakin' head of security for the most powerful family in the Hamptons.

the way my browser window is sized, that guy is permanently fixed on the lower right corner of my browser, his face frozen in that lurid, ghoulish expression. urgh.

these BBT ads are making me so… sad.

it was truly an amazing, immersive experience when it was good. my main was machine faction, so our LET wasn't a character straight out of the movies, but it was still a thrill to be a part of the storyline and actually feel like what you did mattered. did you stay on through the bitter end though? having now caught

yea, i'm an asian liberal and i actively dislike her.  we hold grudges like, forever

terrific article. of course, i'm one of the semi-reticent defenders of the series as a whole (moreso Reloaded than Revolutions) so i'm already predisposed to agree.

holy shit, i was slowly reading through the comments waiting for someone to bring up MXO. man that was some awesome, promising shit. i never noticed too many bugs - but it did seem like in its original form (with dedicated staffers playing key character roles) it was far too expensive for Sony Online to maintain with

i think in reloaded it's explained and noted ironically that Zion uses machines to generate geothermal power. EMP is a neat idea but given the sheer number of machines i imagine they'd run out of EMP before the machines ran out of squiddies. not that their totally awesome!!! bullets v robots idea wasn't terrible.

yes, yes. i'd be interested in a down is up on Godfather III.

best Smith scene out of the sequels was at the Oracle's apartment when he tosses the cookie dish.

this is a wonderfully written article.

wow, thanks
wonderful write-up. i had only seen a bout de souffle and while i was aware of the existence of the american version, i never really gave it much thought, beyond "ugh, american remake." now i'll definitely make an effort to check this out.

why, it's a monkey that took a bunch of pictures of itself, thus singlehandedly sparking a debate about who owned the intellectual property rights associated with the photos.

oh hay, if this is open to the general whedonverse now then i humbly submit wesley's last scene in the Angel finale.

see above.

see above.

laphroaig is the poor man's lagavulin. not knocking it, as a poor man i have to say i'm a fan, ($26 at costco!) but lagavulin's got all the smoke of a laphroaig but is smooth too.

wonderful, wonderful
terrific write-up, and i say this as one of those poor benighted souls who liked korn. also limp bizket but not as much.

this Fred appreciation thread is too short!

FRED! everyone loves fred! people who profess non-love of fred are in deep, pitiable denial.