
I agree that the first half is more commercial, but not that the second half is stronger. It's a long album as it is and I just haven't found anything to warm to with Easy Come And Easy Go and Mistral, in particular. Also Wake the Baby and Anti-Summersong both feel like great ideas that weren't fleshed out enough and

I'm not. I loved the episode, but when episodes are scoring about 9 on average, a divisive episode will rate much lower than a simply OK episode. There's nowhere to go but down.

And look at the individual episode points. So many of them are almost identical within a season. Honestly, I doubt anyone was rating episodes on imdb at the time (if it was even possible), and it's so quick for a user to just quickly rate every episode of a season the same when they can't remember individual ones. But

I don't get him, to be honest. He's even more tiresome than Jamm.

Mike wasn't replacing anyone. However, his first appearance in the Season 2 finale, helping Jesse evade arrest and cleaning up the place after Jane's death, was meant to be done by Saul instead but Odenkirk was unavailable to shoot that day, hence the need to add a new character. What a happy accident!

Who's doing the backing vocals? I was trying to figure out if it was Alison Brie or not…

I'm honestly guessing it is very budget-related. I mean, assuming they keep Billy Eichner going as Craig, there's no chance they will be paying him the same salary. Nor should they.

I'm not sure the show improved *because* Ned Stark was killed off. It's not like his (or Sean Bean's) presence was a detriment to the show beforehand. In fact, his character arc was fascinating and fondly regarded because the character didn't outstay his welcome. On the other hand, I feel

HBO, how has Hard happened, having had Hung, Huge, House, Heroes, Homeland Hannibal heretofore happen? Hacks.

I probably disagree with your opinion, but can see where you're coming from and commend the way you said it.

When I saw that Keith David did voicework for Saints Row IV, that raised my interest because I loved him in Six Feet Under. Then I realised I was being ridiculous, forgetting that Keith David's middle name is '&'.

Sorry, I've been binge watching Justified recently.

Or a coward.

I see your point about assessing the damage in either case, that's fine. My ulterior motive behind arguing though is probably just that if X and Y are two bad things (regardless of which is worse), and X led to Y, that doesn't mean that Y is justified because of X. Obviously it can be human nature, but call me a

OK, I have to ask this because (unless I missed a comment) no one mentioned it. I came away from the episode assuming that Liam had killed Ffion in a fit of rage after seeing the redo of her affair. As he looks on the memories of better times, it's obvious that he isn't going to redo the murder because why would he?

Well, for one thing, the act of violence was deliberately intended towards the victim, whereas the primary motive behind cheating was probably not "I'm so glad this is going to hurt my husband when he finds out about it."

I was pretty much going to say everything you said. I was good with watching two per week, and the only times I've stuck to the schedule were for Todd's excellent reviews of Sopranos and Slings & Arrows. But Gilmore Girls isn't quite as good as those shows, so I'll probably binge it now and be done with it.

*timidly* Where's Gilmore Girls?
*double checks that today is Thursday*

John Teti does it best with the Six Feet Under reviews (and I don't just mean the quality!), telling people only the first comment thread is for spoilers, which newbies can just collapse and read on safely. Though even that isn't foolproof.

Kind of have to disagree with Sims about the potential for a Jess spinoff, or at least the potential shown by this episode, which are not the same thing. Admittedly, I'm a fan of Jess, but his complaint seems to be that there's just not enough substance there, but how could there be with roughly 20 minutes of plot and