
No one's even pretending these comments are newbie-friendly, are they? Sorry, this isn't aimed at you, as almost everyone is neglecting SPOILER warnings in their comments. Although I do understand that most people on an AV club re-watch (emphasis on re) have seen the show before, believe it or not there are some (or

Jackson is not a sweet bearded friendly soul. I know this because when I watched his scenes I thought, 'Hey, he's not bearded anymore!' Unless Sims was referring to his soul being bearded.

Disqus wasn't working for me until now.

City. Town. Whatever. I'm English. British. Whatever.

If their justification is 'Technically it's the same city', then that's just silly. If their justification is 'We forgot', then I'm not sure what I'm doing at the AV club anymore.

Sure, but when he denied that it was from fighting with Dean, she didn't believe him. It doesn't matter if he didn't want to talk about it then and there, in front of Emily, to have your partner not trust you is just harsh. (Then again, he was untrusting of her interactions with Dean, so admittedly they're both bad at

With all the exhausting quarrels in "Swan Song", it definitely felt like a Daniel Palladino episode, and I'm going to be harsh in assuming he handed that final "sex talk" scene over to his wife…

Completely agree with you. I can just about understand a person's humiliation in getting a black eye from a swan (moreso than the possibility of that EVER happening), but I can't comprehend the idea of Rory, having been so reticent to introduce Jess to Emily for fear of a bad impression, be the one to exacerbate that

I wonder if anyone young had a similar response to "Guy Walks Into An Advertising Agency".

ER's Chaos Theory, when Romano suddenly got his arm taken off by a helicopter rotor. Granted, it's only a shocking scene rather than a Scary Episode, but I was young when I saw it and it gave me a few nightmares.

Also, just how cute and cuddly Dexter was as a SERIAL KILLER.

Pretty much agree with you actually, in that I prefer 2,3 and 5 (despite 5 being too ridiculous) to season 1. I maybe shouldn't have simplified like I did (or included 24), perhaps my argument was more that you can get a good feel for what those shows have to offer within a season-long contained arc, without having to

I'd say stop after Season 1. That was pretty much a perfect season of television right there, and you could tell (whether because of the source material or that they had good writers back then) that there was a season-long plan and the Ice Truck Killer's reveal worked. Which isn't to say that the show sucked

I didn't get a Game of Thrones notification for this?!

I'm in the UK, which has never seen a DVD release. In my defence, I did buy Sorkin's other (readily available) shows!

Very glad these reviews are back, but in a way it's bad timing as Netflix removed the show from its collection recently. Hate Hulu adverts. Glad I pirated the show years ago, but really, who can be bothered to access an external hard drive these days?

I assume Cersei's Rains of Castamere speech, besides intimidating Margaery, was seeded to inform viewers of its importance as a signifier of Lannister dominance, especially since the melody was cleverly played underneath the scene and will presumably see a more impactful reprise at the end of the next episode (not

Exactly! And (real quote) "But there are points in this episode where the whole thing feels like the flipside of that experience, where the narrative bounces around so much…"

"Taylor Swift, huh? Do try to avoid spoilers about the actual role she ended up playing…"
I think if you got to that point in the review, you've pretty much spoiled yourself for a lot of the episode. Seriously, are reviews not meant to spoil things in the episode being reviewed? Headache.