
Cochran, Erik, Malcolm, Phillip, Corinne for some reason, and Brandon where always going to be asked backed. Black females is probably the hardest demographic for Survivor to fill which explains Francesca along with her having a pretty solid following online. Young females is the next hardest demo for them to fill

Handicapping who will be asked back for an all star.
Start with those eliminated because I am much more certain for them.
Kelly- 0 chance. She did not even have that much air time on her boot episode and was invisible for several episodes. No chance at all she comes back.
100 percent certain even at this stage- Jenn

Out there theory that is probably not true. He was told to flip by NC. They knew there only chance was to correctly play the HII so did not need him and if in the best case team wetblanket did come with them his throw away vote does not matter but makes him look solid. Of course production does not show this yet

I would easily put her in the second tier of winners.

I don't get what wet blanket was thinking. Where they really going with Rodneys plan? Because that is the only move that makes sense but that requires Will to flip. Otherwise what was the plan? Great you are a flip vote tonight but that means you are basically at the bottom of either alliance. Sirin made sure she

but it turned out Mike was just a Luke Longley

Nor should you. I usually give a ton of slack for boring seasons but great winners but not even Earl and the best tribal answer the show will ever see can save that season.

I am thinking we are going to have a lot more fireworks from Jenn and Hali between their edits, their game tonight and Jeff talking up the season. Because right now last year has probably been better if no other reason Tweenie played an all time great game so to easily top it more fire works have to happen. This

Jenn is great but I had a tear rolling down the check when Hali was talking about her love of the constitution and how she will be a public defender. An American hero. Err make that a Merican Hero.

I can now see him being the goat for Hali and Jenn. Hali and Jenn have been given killer edits this whole season.

With Down just put Dan every week the guy just sucks at life. Ever week he does something to be even worse of a human then even a Rod. This week he is an asshole to Jenn when she tries to help him and then tries to pretend he had this knowledge of what to do to Sirin.

This plus while not the lighting rod the other head cases on BC are he can still stir up sh— whereas Kelly has not created any conflict that we have seen.

I hate him for voting that way because I hate everyone that he was voting with and love Hali and Jenn. That said it was the right decision given how the numbers were. And if Jenn did not use the idol he would be in a good position with meatheads final 4.

I am with Jenn I think Kelly was the must vote out tonight. She was the one with the closet relationship with Carolyn. While just a gut feeling I think she was the main one keeping Sierra in the group long term and even Rodney to a degree. Taking out Kelly means a good chance of breaking Sierra and/or Rodney away.

Kelly must have been real boring because she got what 1 confessional on her boot episode.

Both of you need to just shut and listen to my fact here which is I been talking to more woman then all of you all. I know what they want which is all yes I know how you are felling.

100 with you. I don't see this path to victory for Dan without a huge amount of chaos. A tight 3 alliance when you have pissed of other players and/or other players have no need for you just is not a great position.

Calling my shot now.
Final 3 of Hali, Jenn and Will. Hali wins 6-3
Shirin is 4
Carolyn is 5
Joe is 6
Sierra is 7
Mike is 8
Tyler is 9
Kelly is 10
Dan is 11
Rod is 12
And we are all left wondering why Jeff called this such a great season. Who is flipping from NC? No one. And how is Dan going to get anyone to join BC if there

This is a great stat to look at. How many times a winner voted for the "wrong" person. I just cant imagine that you vote on the wrong side too often and win the game. Off the top of my head Sandra pre merge HvV and Fabio.

Its me really hoping that is true because I want her to win.