
There was enough pre merge with Kim to show she had the game on lock down. She was not featured as much because some reason they had to keep putting colton on.

Have not hear any of his interviews but what is with this over play the first vote that has been happening recently? Tony effect? Its the first vote is almost always obvious even in 6 member tribes.

They don't want future cast members following that. They want annoying so conflict. They want weirdo so they can have footage. They want inconsiderate again so conflict. She wins then when they show this season to s31/32 cast they might follow it.

Honestly would be shocked if she is not in the top 3.

Well that is dumb most states you only have to give half.

-I love and hate the editors this week. There was not enough Joe to think he was going home but the way they edited Sierra I thought there is just no way she was voting with Dan even with a gun to her head. Joe is the only person I like on that tribe.
-I am now enemies with Cop. You put Joe at risk and you want to

Honestly that is the only thing that makes sense. I mean if I am Sierra every time Dan talks to me I just cant help but hate him even more.

So much this. I honestly thought that Sierra was going with Joaq because well Rodney and Dan both suck but at least with Joaq she has 2 people she does not hate instead of 1 and halfish? And Dan was being Dan when he should have said who do you want gone.

He has to change it to under 42 with his mom.

Max played about as well as I expected. Super fans are worse then recruits. They are just too happy to even be on the island and taking part of everything. He was an even worse Cochran 1.0. Super fans also tend to think the show is about strategy instead of relationships. They think big moves win instead of smart

This is what I was really trying to say. Don't blame others until you exhaust the possibility its you first. I mean really who wants to hear random person singing for no reason?

Max just sucked in the second hour. Did no work himself and watched as every other member of the tribe was talking less then 30 feet from him and did not think anything could be wrong.

Not 100 but I believe both Yul and Earl where recruits. Earl for sure was.

Yeah Dan thinks he is a master mind and has this awesome social game cant wait for this to blow up in his face.

Yes Jenn was awesome tonight after I think a bad last couple of weeks. Max and Shirin are just a special type of delusional that you cant find in most.

There is what a 100 percent chance on the editing floor they have him saying Lady in street and a freak in the sheet right?

I don't know what is to hate about it? If the IC are strength based they are going to lose no matter what. And they don't need him for any challenge they could win. Get rid of him and Shrin because they are so horrible at the game they are talking strategy 10 feet away from everyone else and could not even figure

But was it during basketball season?

Yeah but everyone would totally fuck her even if she is 65 according to Rod

Thanks. Could not remember if summer of 99 or 00.