
Its the French Revolution. Many of these types are now the Committee of Public Safety that want to be more Incorruptible in their "tolerance" then the next person so they will take off the heads of allies for even minor perception of disagreement.

I agree just pointing out the insanity of spending a few million on Community a show that no one watched when it was actually promoted by a network.

Netflix cant make a profit from streaming and I see their commercials and marketing and can get it on every device I own. Not sure how Yahoo was going to with no marketing for a low rated old show and no app for the Xbox One.

Alibaba is basically the reason why. There has been several times over the last 3 years where yahoo's Alibaba shares have been worth more then yahoo's marketcap meaning Yahoo has been worth negative money at several points over the last few years.

Yeah but people watch TBBT.

As she did last time but everyone in her old alliance save Tasha was a wet blanket.

You where not a Nielsen family.

How is it archaic? They have 60k plus people meters out there. You tell me a better system than that. If you are talking paper diaries they are check and mainly used to supplement local market data.

How are Nielsen ratings inaccurate? Just because you don't like the results or the shows you like are only liked by you does not mean anything other then you like shows that only you watch.

Netflix does not care about Nielsen for the same reason HBO and Showtime do not care, none of them sell ads. Nielsen ratings are for ad buyers to have a 3rd party to tell them how many people are watching their ads.

How do you write for a TV site but not understand what Ratings are and more importantly who they are for? Especially when you know there was paper diaries but apparently have not heard of the people meter. Ratings are for ad buyers and network sales staff. Ad buyers don't give a shit how many people watch Hannibal

Ebert used to review movies based on what the movie was trying to accomplish. Cool.

Good news. With Cinemax now sucking and getting rid of all that is awesome this is one of the very few action shows left.

I don't know a single person that watches Girls, Mad Men, Transparent, Fargo, Americans, Hannibal or what ever it is that is your favorite show.

How the hell does this show come off as right wing? The most important person in the shows universe is a female scientist. As Silverfish said women are shown and competent and brave but also with faults and take responsibility for their actions the same with the men on the show. There are few shows with as much

Yes it has Ballers

Yes its extremely unwelcomed. This is not why anyone subscribes to Cinemax. Strike Back and Banshee are the templates for what the network should be producing not Emmy bait.

No explosions, no fight scenes, still not sure why this is on Cinemax.

You need to check your privilege. Dudes is an offensive term to use to any human being unless they self identify as a dude or are dude-kin.

The world is an unjust place when this is not given more and more seasons. Cinemax stop sucking and get back to being awesome and bring us another Banshee Strikeback type show stop with "prestige" its not your demo.