
Denise was also his alliance mate and the person he was with for the whole game (minus like 3 days). 

I don't know how you have Eddie last.  Eddie has to be the front runner to win 4 of the 5 votes currently on the jury.  He makes it to the end I see him fairly easily winning it. 

What was Andrea thinking taking Eddie to the end?  Cant she add?  There is no question he gets Reynold's vote.  I would go with about a 90 percent chance that he gets Malcolm's vote.  Probably in the 70-80 percent range Michaels vote.  Sure she probably has Fillups vote.  So at this point she is already down 2.  Not

In the first tribal Malcolm looked like he should be wresslin at some Elk Lodge. 

Its not just this week either.  Since the merge Erik has been play a great game and Malcolm should watch and learn.  Its not about making big moves its about making smart moves to further yourself in the game and Erik gets this.  It looks like he now has a mini alliance with Sherri.  He is not in danger and looks to

I don't think he is as hated on the island as he is by everyone watching him. 

Brenda would eat it before realizing she does not eat grains.

@Ike1:disqus The best part of Fiji is FTC when the first Jury member is bitter for absolutely no reason.  If I remember right it seemed she was about to go racist too before jeff cut her off. 

I think you nailed it.  Cochran got rid of his insecurity that he had in his first season and look at how well he has done in all the areas of the game.  Everyone likes him it appears, he is doing better in challenges, he is part of the in group without being forced in by circumstances.  He is the calm voice of reason.

@JudgeReinhold:disqus You are going back to the days of pre strategy where alliances where still thought of as evil.  And even here I still give Colby the better game because at least he made it to the end.  I honestly think Ozzy voting himself out to RI was a better move then what Malcolm has cumulatively shown this

The audience likes big moves but depending on how far you want to stretch what a big move is the last time it was rewarded was JT.  I would argue that while Erik has not made splashy moves if he makes it to the end he has made pivotal moves that put him in a place to win the game.  Not swinging to the Bro alliance

Yes and I think most people would do much better then him given the same circumstances. 

@avclub-a5fdfa672284da6bf4f4326e2b3698bd:disqus Its not like he was a huge threat even last season.  He won 2 in a season that was not exactly filled with James, Ozzy, Amanda, Pavoriti and BR.                                                            

I disagree about his placement in S-R-U.  In the worst case he is 5th or 6th but the way S-R-U was structured there is no reason to believe but more importantly for him to believe he was 5/6 especially if he thought Dawn was at the bottom.  There basically was 3 sets of 2 in S-R-U.  His being the most powerful because

I am honestly curious who you would have that played a worse game?  And for there is no miscommunication here I am talking about a player that was in a good position and due to their own gameplay made their outcome worse.  Because, sure some 1 dayers probably had a worse game then him. 

Of course things change but in this case things change because he made stupid decision after stupid decision.  There where 4 fans at the merge so at the absolute worst the fans pick up Brenda and Erik they are tied.  But, he already knew that the Bros and Sherri did not like each other before he started the 3 Amigos. 

Has anyone in Survivor history screwed their place in the game as badly as Malcolm did this season?  Stick to S-R-U and he is in no worse then 6th place with a HII in hand and Fillup the only physic threat. Instead he went home 9th and had next to no chance at winning even if he ran the table.

Malcolm knows all about big moves back firing.

Awesome Elena is not a bitch she is just awesome.  Should would not have to be such a hard ass if people would just respect her wishes instead of always being self righteous with her. 

I demand a recount on prom king and queen as there is no way boring bonnie would win.