
Tom Cruise could be giving me oral sex and I'll still rate it a C at best because that guy is trying to suck my soul out. Of my penis.

I've always found it annoying when someone refers to Objectivism or Randianism as a philosophy. Objectivism is a list of propositions, the truth-values of which are based on a political belief system. Add a deliberately misleading, yet appropriately intellectual-sounding name, and boom.
There is no work done to

Alec Baldwin is a famous guy, so when he says: that rule is bullshit, you are being rude and I won't put up with this arbitrary harassment, people say: what an entitled prick, and what an asshole for delaying the other passengers.

The problem he and some others have seemed to overcome is the idea that there is an 'American' accent anymore than there is a 'British' accent. There are dozens of accents, with both subtle and broad differences. If an actor just tries some wide ranging, undifferentiated accent, it will always sound flat to

I can't believe I'm agreeing with you on taste in movies, but Bringing Out the Dead is a great movie. So is The Departed.
Gangs of New York isn't as bad as some on this thread have been saying, and has some genuinely great scenes.
Shutter Island was… nice to look at, and had some good acting.

I didn't say all X-Men, but many are pretty wealthy. Prof X is a billionaire, Emma Frost, Sunspot, Beast has millions in patents, the aforementioned Angel,
Wolverine is rich, he owns land in Canada, Japan, and Madripoor, and hasn't had a real job since WWII.
Cyclops has full legal control over Xavier's estate when

I thought the CDC guy told Rick that everyone has the zombie virus. When you die, you come back, no matter how you die.
I can't see him doing a pregnancy test on some strange woman who just wandered in, knowing that he's going to blow up the next day. Unless zombie infection / pregnancy test are done the same way. I'm

I thought Iron Man was the rich asshole's superhero. Or
Green Arrow
Moon Knight
Angel (actually, many of the X-Men were b/millionaires)
Dollar Bill
Richie Rich
Scrooge McDuck (okay, I'm stretching here)

Never apologize to Billy Joel.

"I lived in Japan for a couple of years" and so feel fully qualified to cast aspersions on the entire culture. I lived near a porn shop, so, y'know, Japs are pedo's.

that's Colonel Donkey Cock, mister.

is it just me
Or does Nick's voice sound exactly like David Cross' voice?

Dear Mr Murray,
Rocky is an over-rated piece of poo.
The only good movie Stallone ever made was Death Race 2000.
These are facts.

The Pogues
Fairytale in New York - they mention both 'Rare Old Mountain Dew' and 'Galloway Bay'

How about a show where they out people who are secretly Canadians?

No Nick?
You couldn't find a single Nick Cave song to put on this list?

Pardon me
while I grittily reboot myself.

if enough people join, we can all make the world a little gayer

before they erase it - look up Gay Kelsey Fans on KelseyLive.com

Virtually the entire cast of Oz. Even Beecher went badass for a while (murdering a 6 and a half foot tall prison guard/nazi with your fingernails? badass).