
is anybody watching?
Really, these are the only two comments? Where's TomWaits, I thought he lived on these message boards.
Who's monitoring those who would monitor the Visitors?
You know who should do a guest shot as a Visitor? Nana Visitor.

Baby Got Back by Sir Mix-a-Lot. I defy you to stay in a bleak mood with that song coming through the speakers.

This is close to Christopher Bahn's…
… but one that has always bothered me is the cop who's 10 minutes away from retirement before getting pulled into one last big case. The Lethal Weapon series drew this out so far I couldn't tell if they were making some kind of ironic statement or not.
The Simpsons had a great

Bromwell High
Where the Headmaster dabbled in the slave trade?
(emphasize 'dabbled'; de-emphasize 'slave trade'.)

I think Octomom and (Jon and) Kate have had it easy.
To get your own reality show, only a handful of things have to come out of a vagina, but hundreds have to go into a vagina to get into record books.

No, J.A. gets a lifetime pass.
Martian Judge does, too.

"A woman vomits onto the floor
(we see goo)
… A man flatulates."
So close to an award-winning haiku.

No, that was a good one. B+ / A-.

I always get sad when I hear actors I respect are Republicans - Garry Oldman, Gary Sinise; the same way I feel when I hear people like Jason Lee are Scientologists. Just sad.

3 pages of comments?
Really? Rand is that important?
No, only 3 things in life are important:
To crush your enemies;
See them driven before you, and;
To hear the lamentation of their women.

SP and SSP
I'm just glad that South Park got a column, so you trolls will finally leave my Sarah alone.

Fun fiasco
I saw this in the theatres when it first came out, and enjoyed it thoroughly, on levels the filmmakers never intended. We went to a bar and spent the next 4 hours savagely mocking every aspect. It has provided us with years of in-jokes, and to this day, no one but us understands the reference 'Baseball

Well, maybe. If brains were tasty. Come to think of it, Ray Liotta seemed to enjoy his serving of brain, so maybe I'd give it a go.

Okay, I admit, most people with new-found powers would want to get rich / powerful / etc… but I hope I wouldn't become a completely amoral sociopath. And if I discovered (how?) that my power was eating brains, I would never, ever use it.

Kensei et al…
People keep mentioning paternity and progeny with regards to Kensei, but keep in mind that he was born some 400 years ago. He could be Pappy/Granpappy/Great-Granpappy etc to them all. They could all be part of one in-bred little family, so the creepiness of Claire bumping uglies with her half-brother is