
Edwin Encarnacion and Mune Kawasaki, with the Blue Jays, are the same. They'll speak to fans or have casual conversations in English, but use interpreters for official interviews. (Except when Kawasaki's just fooling around, then he gives hilarious interviews in deliberately broken 'Ingrish').

Can anyone recommend a super-hero comic appropriate for a 6 year old girl?
My daughter loves comics, esp. super heroes, but is getting frustrated by the lack of female supers. Wonderwoman, Supergirl, Batgirl, Huntress - none of them have a line that would be fitting a 6 year old. Would Squirrel-Girl be okay?

Rusty Shackelford.
Always Rusty Shackleford

A friend of mine was hitch-hiking along the TransCanada Highway, and was picked up by Ricky Schroeder. They made nervous small talk, until finally he asked "do you recognize me?' My friend replied, "yeah, you're Ricky Schroeder." He said "actually, I prefer Rick."
When they got into town Rick bought him lunch.

Whoa-ooh Black Betty

I would argue that Capt America movies need other protaganists in them.
He's kind of boring on his own, but with a foil, he's much more likable.

and yet, didn't he start his career as a male model?

"…where "it" is her achievement and not, again, semen…"
would be better read as
…where "it" is her achievement and, (not again!), semen.

Looking at the Herpes Tree (story and illustrations by Shel Silverstein), I see that poor Ryan Reynolds took two doses of Jeter clap. Poor bugger.

Batman has the best, that's true. But the X-Men have a good line-up of baddies: Magneto, Sabretooth, The Hellfire Club, Mystique, Juggernaut…

He had me sold at 'transparent chimp.'


So, would anyone recommend this for a 4 year-old girl?
My daughter wants to see a 'theatre-movie' again, not a 'home-tv-movie'.

I love Shatner. He knows exactly who he is, and he doesn't give a shit. I want to be just like him when I get old.
And yes, his episode of SNL had some fantastic sketches - not just 'Get a Life'. I have to go track it down now.

i think that's a succinct and poignant way of putting it.
My hat is off to you, idiotking.

Thanks for the link. I hadn't realized how much Objectivism had ripped off from Logical Positivism to flesh itself out, nor how three quarters of its metaphysics was a strawman they call 'spiritualists'.
My definition of a philosophy would be a more or less systematic method of critical thinking, employed in the study

That's the one.


I didn't write that as a philosophy, Objectivism is wrong; I wrote that Objectivism is not a philosophy.
I defy you to give one credible account of metaphysics on the view of Objectivism.
