
It'd be real hard to watch with your girlfriend. You know, hypothetically speaking.

[laughing] It's not funny

"When was the last time you heard anyone talk about Ren & Stimpy?".

It's pronounced Du-mass!

They can be three things.

In other news, there was a show on ABC called Whispers

My best guess was Ivory Coast. I guess there's a lot of vowel names in west Africa.

What, are they your favorite squadron?

Old dude said last week that he already saw the episode and had already written the review because his wife was gonna have a baby or some shit.

"I'm the one that wears pants."

"I shudder to think of what would happen if Sue did have kids"

With Bow later mentioning that Jack made her give up her WNBA tickets, it made it seem more like Jack has some strange personal beef with the WNBA.

C+? I thought this episode was awesome. I guess this episode wasn't really for LaToya. You know, culturally speaking.

"It's a reminder to pull out. . . of the relationship."

Each with a continuing subplot of Uncle Ben developing his Minute Rice.

The AV Club

Supposedly on set, he said, "I killed your father" instead of the other thing, so even the actors didn't know about the big twist until the movie came out.

I still have the originals on VHS! I don't have a working VCR to actually watch them on, but none the less.

I should mention that, in the EU, Luke does briefly turn to the dark side under the sway of an Emperor clone. And then of course, there was Luuke Skywalker, the evil clone made from Luke's severed hand. Maybe it's for the best that they're pretty much throwing that all out for the new movies. Grand Admiral Thrawn

At first I read this as "Watch Mark Hamill punch JJ Abrams"