
"or maybe both, who knows."

Gammy's gettin' upset!

I think the movie Her just ruined that for everyone.

I believe we're now calling him Fat Damon.

Great, now instead of Loud Howard we have to deal with weird accent lady.

It's probably just arms, though.

I wonder if his jars of urine are for sale.

That deadbeat Ben Vereen wasn't a perfectly good parent! Why don't he want me?

At first I was confused by your mention of an All in the Family actress, and I was trying to think of which character was voiced by Maureen Stapleton.

Hey, since they're not doing nude photos anymore, someone's gotta pick up the slack.

Tailspin was such a strange concept for a show: "Hey, I've got an idea: lets take the characters from The Jungle Book and make them airplane pilots in the 1930's." Shere Khan as a ruthless suited business man was pretty awesome, though.

It'd probably be easy to make it as a con artist when literally everyone loves you.

To be fair to Boardwalk Empire, that dude's mom was really really hot.

In fact, I would say that that was the largest amount of hyperbole in any review ever.

She could have gotten it done faster if she had enlisted a do group.

I'm surprised that the stressed out Denise didn't just say "I have to go now" and then run out of the room. Get it, like she did at the Emmys that time?

Short answer: Because they cray-cray

I thought that the truck was part of the wolf attack, and the guy had died in the wreck.