
I'm assuming all three were Jewish, right?

For your information, I happen to live in my parent's attic, thank you very much.

I'm sure someone somewhere in the world died within the period of time where the movie took place.

I thought the first season ended once humans remembered that guns existed.

I don't know about tourists, but mosquitoes are actually the deadliest animal in Africa, what with the malaria and whatnot.

Warning: You will get wet

Just don't try to stop him by shooting milk at him. It turns out he has a resistance to that.

You got it dude.

Oddly enough, rolling around naked in a big pile is exactly how I met your mother.

Would you be more comfortable with non-fucking incest shipping?

No, that guy has a hard An

Don't forget Peeta and Katniss' ship name: Katta

It also means "fart" in England. So there's that.

Damn it people, if we keep paying attention to him, he's never gonna go away! Do we need to have Paul Anka write another song?

The reality of whatever that comment was can never match my imagination.

Yeah, looks like.

"Alright, Ernie, we're ready to roll. Ernie?"

Also for that one line in Zombieland

He probably had to change it because there was some other guy in the SAG with the same name.