
But she gets results, dammit!

I personally feel that you can't really judge whether a show is worth watching until you have seen every single episode throughout its entire run.

Hey, I know that ED is a problem faced by many men, but I hardly think that qualifies as an emergency.

(Think refreshingly unsexy thoughts, think refreshingly unsexy thoughts)

The AV Club
I just do me

So am I the only one that's mad that we never see what kind of gun Dre got?

He does make mention of the City Wok guy in the first episode. But I guess he's got too much on his plate right now.

I know exactly how Sue feels. I too have trouble pooping in front of Taylor Swift.

Fun fact: this is my Dad's least favorite movie. My Mom's least favorite is a tie between Pulp Fiction and Dumb and Dumber.

Hey, you're the one that chose that name. You knew the risks!

Isn't Vladimir Putin involved in that?

If Reposted Amazon Reviews doesn't want to get on this, I guess I'll have to just do this myself:

The vibrating magic wand was far more popular

E. Buzz Miller's so white, during the LA Riots, he went out a bought a TV.

They didn't want to exceed their shit quota, lest they summon the Geldon.

Other than the overall format, it's the one thing they kept from the Kilborn years. I guess it's become something of a tradition.