
Then of course, you had the guy touting the importance of the 10 Commandments, when he couldn't actually come up with more than three.

I actually watched it for the first time last night, and I was actually surprised by how much it felt like The Report. That Briggs-Meyers test bit could have easily been on the other show and no one would know the difference.

Honestly, the hardest part was just getting used to his weird accent.

Can't say I cared much for Roy Wood Jr and his unsubtle racist humor.

Actually, hasn't the TV show made these assholes absurdly wealthy?

That is so Arizona.

[takes arm off of Eat Up Martha's shoulder]

Wow, a hot chick is sharing her money making secrets with me! That means she totally wants to bang me, right?

Pounder? I just met her!

Especially when you get someone to answer with the least villainous thing possible. Does Ms. Freedia not understand what a villain is?

So wait, we're still doing this AND the other questionnaire? Damn it, now I'll never know what sort of villain Maura Tierney would be.

So are there currently any non-sexy shows on ABC?

"So, what kind of sexy drama should we pitch to ABC?"
(Don't say revenge, don't say revenge)
"Um, revenge?"

I wonder how they're able to do that? Do they think about baseball?

It was 2, the plane crash season.

I'm assuming this is right before she chokes to death on her own vomit while Walter White does nothing to save her.

50 shades of J

[obligatory "just the tip" joke]

Everything he do just turns me on.