
Hey, it turns out that he also ended up directing on of my favorite episodes of The Wire.

I saw this in the theater and there were literally only two other people there. And they were making out the whole time. That's actually about the only thing I remember about this movie.

Is that the part where he's shooting at the walls of heartache?

If he were to start dating Taylor Swift, I think the universe would collapse into itself.

Alan Thicke as Guardian.

He may not be a weirdo, but hasn't James Bond always been murderous and unhinged.

I still maintain that Sylvester Stallone would have been the perfect Wolverine. He's short, rough looking, and absurdly muscular. And can you honestly say that Wolverine isn't just Rambo with claws?

It's still weird to me that the (former) voice of Solid Snake is the same guy that wrote the X-men movies.

On a somewhat related note, Kiefer Sutherland did the voice of Raistlin in the (admittedly terrible) animated Dragonlance movie. In theory this would be awesome, what with Kiefer's intense whispering, but his performance was so flat and lazy that it pretty much ruined the whole thing.

Actually, it is As-ee-ya. Most people assume the opposite.

Although it's actually pronounced differently, like Oz-ee-ah

Why can't Tim Meadows get his own show already? He's never not be awesome in any role I've ever seen him in, and he deserves to be way more famous.

It belongs in a museum!

"So, are ya Chinese or Japanese?"

One thing I've learned from this: It's hard to google "Taylor Swift splits" and get the images you're looking for.

But does she know how to use them?

He looks more like a Grandmaster B.

Did you offer him a ball and ask him if he would like to bounce it?

"Who's Ron Zook?"
"Wait, who's Steve Spurrier?"