
So will The Bloody Hand just be a thinly veiled clip show, ala The Ember Island Players?


When is Game of Thrones going to quit screwing around and cast this guy as Victarion Greyjoy already?

No mention of his seminal work on The Streak?

SPOILER: The perfect guy is actually . . . A WOMAN! Basically the last scene is a reverse Crying Game.

Gone Girl?

"Jerk at bar turns startled! What do you want?"

Only black people are the good guys? Oh, wait, they're also the bad guys. Nevermind.

Clearly Dorian is just malfunctioning. Once we're able to charge him back to his normal energy levels, then he should be fine.

The AV Club
Probably thinking about the sex right now

It largely depends on how much prison rape you want to see. If your answer was "any" then this is the show for you.

I would have gone with Hugh Mann

Yeah. . . looks like.

I suppose this always happens when you see a parody movie before you see what it's parodying. For example, I saw "Walk Hard" long before I saw "Walk the Line", and while watching the latter, the whole time I was saying "Oh, that's what that was about."

For the longest time, I didn't realize that that was Nathan Fillion playing Ted Danson's subordinate in Saving Private Ryan.

C'mon, how can a musical starring Judy Garland possibly be gay?

Many people are still surprised that in Steve Miller's "Jet Airliner" he's not saying "Bingo Jed had a light on"

That would explain how anthropomorphic dogs and regular dogs exist in the same universe.

When I first saw The Blair Witch Project, my friend had me totally convinced that the footage was real. Then, that very night, one of the actors was a guest on Conan.

See also: Godfather, The