
Because of the Simpsons, for a long time I thought that "Streetcar Named Desire" was an actual musical. I also though that "Paint Your Wagon" was just a ridiculous movie they made up.

"I've already administered the epidural. Would you like one as well?"

Just make sure the painters don't move your desk.

A lot of these answers sound like what you say you're asked "what is your greatest weakness" in a job interview. You just say something positive, but add the word "too"

Why not the simplest answer of all: kill everyone

I have difficulty watching anything with Judy Greer because I'm distracted by how insanely hot she is.

I like my coffee like I like my men: hot, black, and in my mouth.

Like I'm gonna have any respect for this guy after he ran out on his pregnant fiance.

She's a fox! I mean, what's on Fox tonight? Something ribald, no doubt.

I Am Legend would have been a lot better if it included a rap video with Will Smith dancing with the CGI vampires.

With the Bill Cosby thing, Uncle Phil is now the #1 black TV dad. Ironic, considering that he's not actually the father of the main character. (Damn that deadbead Ben Vareen!)

I'm guessing you're also neither a prince nor fresh. Were you at least born and/or raised in West Philadelphia?

Shelley Fabares?

Bullshit. She's obviously uses Wen by Chaz Dean.

Better question, are other people comfortable with your frontal nudity?

Winter may or may not be coming, we'll just wait and see how it works out.

Hint: It's the same as dating Natalie Dormer, except you should address her as Zooey instead of Natalie.

By chance is your friend named Literally Everyone?