
Yes, it's a portmanteau of hip-hop artist A.D.O.R. and University of Pennsylvania Psychology department head Joseph Kable. (and no, those names were not easy to find.)

Question posed by the above picture: Is it possible for Zooey Deschanel to look unattractive. Answer: No, no it is not.

Well, no comment I could share would put deez nuts on your chin.

Incidentally, Adolf "Harpo" Marx actually changed his name to Arthur in the 30's for some reason.

But the real question is, did they successfully put the pussy on the chainwax?

Lord help me, but I don't think I've ever laughed as hard as I did at the first East/West Bowl.

"And the crazy thing is, Barack Obama would still be president."

Why are we reviewing this again? Are the reruns going to be slightly different than before?

Well, as the song says, it's hip to be square.

Y'know, the bathroom scene.

You say this is a movie with lots of color-eds?

Hey, you said the quiet part loud and the loud part quiet.

Great, now everybody is gonna be cracking wise about our mamas

Having read the Wikipedia summary of Gardens of Night, all I have to say is NO NO, FOR THE LOVE OF GOD, NO!

He just has all that snow around to prepare for his role as a jittery Eskimo firefighter.

Is that exactly what Twitter was invented?

I'm hip to the whole scene.

Wow, that sound like a great movie.

But you better be going somewhere with this.