
I thought that's why they had delayed the finale. Haven't those internet adulterers been though enough already?

As with most attractive actresses of European descent, I immediately went out in search of nude Stephanie Corneliussen photos. I was not disappointed.

I know lots about both of those things and this still doesn't make any sense to me.

Couldn't they have at least gotten Roger, the Stan Lee Experience?

And I, for one, welcome our new robot overlords. . .

He would have made an awesome Odin.

The one that gives them sexual powers?

Yay, I was hoping they could get someone with an untypeable last name.

*David Morse angrily telegrams Spike Lee using some sort of code*

She can be two things.

I enjoyed this show at first, but I'm pretty much over it now. I'll just watch Mysteries at the Museum if I want to hear a bunch of random historical anecdotes, where I'm not asked to tolerate annoying drunk people.

Contrary to what I said above, it is kind of annoying that the show has made Ramsay an unstoppable baddass. I'm not a book reader, but it's my understanding that his literary counterpart is more of a bumbling oaf, like an evil Hodor.

I don't know, I've heard that he wasn't really born in America.

I'm assuming that Katamari Damacy game takes place in Soviet Russia

I hate Joffrey more just because he has fewer redeeming characteristics. Besides being an asshole, he's also an idiot and a coward. While Ramsay is also a sadistic asshole, he's also a skilled fighter and tactician. I don't like him, but I can at least respect him.