
[shoots computer monitor]

Why did you kill Monk's wife, you son of a bitch!?

Hey, 18 as of February 10th. S'all good.

This role is gold, Jerry! Gold!

Also Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds, unless you buy into the LSD theory.

He must be one of those Jesse guys' girlfriends.

I have an idea: instead of watching this, let's try not watching this.

Pro Tip: If you equip your hidden blade as your primary weapon, you'll instantly kill any attackers with a counter.

How are they going to point out all the crazy stuff in Gremlins 2 and not mention Grandpa Munster?

So this isn't an adaptation of a Sue Grafton mystery?

Excuse me, sir, but I believe that I am the one that requested the BJ

I wonder how many NCIS and SVU reruns it will take to really address the issue.

Watched just now. Horrible, yes, but honestly I was expecting something way more graphic. I guess I could always just watch the Budd Dwyer video: https://www.youtube.com/wat…

What's even the connection? Does the season end with Elliot shooting a bunch of people in Virginia?

I'm sure everyone will agree that this is by far the worst result of these shootings.

But the First City Theater is OK, right?

The AV Club
a brash brand of asshattery