
"I don't know why Jeb showed up for this primary, he barely even won."

I would say that this is somewhere between 0% and 100% accurate.

I would say its a Cain-esque publicity stunt that people are unexpectedly taking seriously, thus making it a real thing.

Hey, I'm sure some of them are probably good people.

Technically, that's a supervillan movie.

I know this is controversial, but I must say that I find this woman physically attractive and would have sex with her given the opportunity.

Well that's a black fly in your Chardonnay


I read that as Duplo and thought I was going to see Skrillex and Bieber playing with giant Legos.

Man, I wish I could straight up cheat on a test and be praised for my ingenuity.

I'm pretty sure she'd but uncomfortable about all these people reading her diary.

But you fuck one goat . . .

At least she's getting it out of the way early. Women generally don't casually mention their boyfriends to me until our 3rd or 4th date.

Or at least she if she's willing to bite the head off a chicken.

What, no Turn Your Head and Coif?

My favorite part of the Wikipedia entry:

Never seen or heard this before, but after listening to exactly 1 second of it, I still find it radiating in my head. Damn you, Ira Kaplan, damn you all to hell!