
At first I read that as "Mormons", which is still technically correct.

[Puts up "Gone Fission" sign]

Aww, they're still in the desert!? When are they going to get to Manhattan already?

For them to start dancing the Deviltusi?

It seems like more people would have noted a connection between the blind guy and the guy that wears a mask over his eyes..

The main thing I don't understand about Daredevil is why he develops an Irish accent as an adult.

I don't know how else he could have interpreted it. After all, he doesn't have a teacher.

I suppose he could have at least asked the camera crew to help him.

Serious question about ridiculous show: With something such as "be a little person" when does he stop doing it? Is it for a set number of days or something?

Can we call it that again, now that Rabin is back?

Damn that almost makes you wish it was cancelled. You could have seen a live performance of Cashmere Burka

Why would he rate being a little person so highly? There didn't seem to be anything good about it. Well, other than getting to play with those oversize novelty items.

Lousy Obamacare.

Unfortunately, his continued dating of Alison Brie makes it impossible to like this man.

Why would he go to all that trouble of armoring himself just to leave his mouth unprotected?

Whenever I hear that name, I always think of some combination of Duffman and Troy McClure.

Better than making this movie, or better than being trapped in a vault with a limited air supply?

Spoiler: It was Earth all along.

We still don't know how he did it. There wasn't any radioactive material in the theater.

Wow, you just described, like, 10 different people on that show.