
Fuckin' hospitals, how do they work?

Would this movie feature Dillahunt as a third character?

His sister! *SLAP* His father! *SLAP* His sister AND his father!

Oh, I get it now. Everyone on the show is real, but we, the viewers, are imaginary.

He was in the fracking movie with John Krasinski, mainly just to prove that they were two different people.

Hey, don't knock it. That's what's about to get Trump elected president.

You mean The Hateful Eight isn't the sequel?

Oh, I know, is it her vagina, right? I bet it's her vagina.

Exactly. It's basically his equivalent to Dexter's blood slides.

To be fair, that's true of pretty much anything.

So, just to clarify, there's no topless Katie Holmes in this at all?

At least then they might not be the ugliest humans on the planet. [thinks of what John Cazale looks like] Then again . . .

I think all the obvious also-rans, including Herman freaking Cain, were leading at some point or another.

They should make Wellek the new host of The Apprentice. You know, now that Donald Trump will be busy being president.

Does the Planet Express Ship figure account for scientists increasing the speed of light?

[lives in house full of lions, dies from Tsetse fly bites]

clearly he hasn't seen The Zookeeper.

When you let bulls direct your movie, expect to be Molled

Would you go as far to say that it be bangin'?