
I think the real lesson of all of these movies is that any hot chick that comes onto you is really an alien that wants to horribly murder you. If you're lucky, though, you might get to bang her first.

Sex from the bottom!? You're stealing my move!

Way to find an Under the Skin clip with only male nudity, AV Club.

We'll never be troyolls

I would have said Stoneballs Jackson, but that works too.

I bet you wear shoes in the pool.

Meanwhile, internet gnolls and kobolds continue unabated

You're just mad that they cancelled Talking Bad. I mean, just because the show is over doesn't mean we have to stop talking about it.

Exactly. Why else would she be so amazing.

She can be two things. Or, at best, three.

Wow, I never would have guessed that Jonathan Banks was Banksy, although in retrospect it makes perfect sense.

Please, every song has always been about banging. What did you think American Pie is about?

Heard this on the radio today and I was shocked that I could immediately remember Donna Lewis' name.

Oh, so only white people can write a contrarian thinkpiece? [writes contrarian thinkpiece about TheKappa's racism]

So how in the hell did she not play Jodi Arias in that TV movie?

"It's like Texas Chainsaw Massacre if the massacred the chainsaws."

Well, we did get to see his Sexy Dracula costume

It can be two things!

Great meaning large or immense,
We use it in the pejorative sense!

Didn't that whole plotline turn out to be part of Al's season-long dream?