
I guess you didn't see the after credits scene showing her stabbing his limp body over and over again. And then a coroner comes out and officially declares him dead.

People have jokingly suggested this before, but I'm actually loving the idea of them as a couple. Go team Sandrick!

Hopefully she'll be carrying him around on her back ala Hodor.

None the less, since then she's had plenty of chances to be useful, but instead just kind of lurked around mysteriously while not really doing anything.

If they really wanted to humiliate her, they should have given her a mullet.

"I feel like I've always known. I even knew that one time I made out with you. Remember that?"

Haters gonna hate, lovers gonna love, Stannis gonna Stannis.

"You stabbed me! You stabbed me right in the arm!"

Hey, no one told me there would be math! Do we at least get to use a calculator, because I forgot how to do long division.

What about the King of Queens?

That's true. To be sworn in, you have to disavow all your family connections. Although, as others have mentioned elsewhere, he could use his death and resurrection as a loophole to get out of his oath.

Exactly. The throne belongs to whoever can take it. It's not like Robert was a rightful king to begin with.

I don't know, don't you remember what happened last time we found out how someone met their mother.

Maybe Davos will join the Night's Watch, since he's now got shit else to do.

I wonder if they did the same thing with Jesus when the Bible first came out.

Really? For the most part she hasn't really done anything but flim-flam. If it wasn't for the smoke monster thing I would assume she was just conning her way to power.

He can't just take the classes online?

Good point. I guess "cubic acre" is easier to remember than 43,560 cubic feet, a value I had to look up.

Now we just need to hear from Matthew Lawrence to get the full story.

Just wait until my next single "My Single is Dropping" is dropping.