How was there no room for Snowpiercer anywhere on this list?
How was there no room for Snowpiercer anywhere on this list?
And now he holds the balance of power in our Parliament. I'm understandably proud.
It's ex-Maester Qyburn who stitches Jaime up by the way. The Citadel stripped him of his chain for doing necromancy type things. (SPOILERS. He's also the lucky lad Cersei brings in to replace Varys in Feast For Crows. He also turns Gregor Clegane into a zombie at some point).
I'm confused about the whole Ser Dontos subplot. They introduced him in the second season, but that's just starting to seem like a throwaway scene. Also, I think somebody killed off Willas Tyrell.
No mention of Gille de Rais, child murderer?
This is just a weird little thing I noticed. But, besides the obligatory Marx and Lenin art, one of the portraits in the Soviet Embassy is of Tsar Peter III. This is a really strange choice of prop, seeing as aside from the obvious, Peter III's generally considered one of the worst rulers in Russian history. Lazy prop…
C+ is a tad unfair methinks. Or maybe I just found Fight Milk and Dennis' "getting off" to be more hilarious than I really should have
C+ is a tad unfair methinks. Or maybe I just found Fight Milk and Dennis' "getting off" to be more hilarious than I really should have
Yeah, I suppose it'll give Bran something to do in the meantime. Unless they do a Daenarys on him, and have wildlings kidnap Hodor or something like that
Yeah, I suppose it'll give Bran something to do in the meantime. Unless they do a Daenarys on him, and have wildlings kidnap Hodor or something like that
Okay, I recall seeing that post a while back about characters being slotted in for next season. Whilst I don't foresee any real issues slotting in Shireen Baratheon, Brynden Tully etc. I have to wonder how they're going to bring in Meera and Jojen Reed. It seems a bit unnecessarily awkward to bring them in in the…
Okay, I recall seeing that post a while back about characters being slotted in for next season. Whilst I don't foresee any real issues slotting in Shireen Baratheon, Brynden Tully etc. I have to wonder how they're going to bring in Meera and Jojen Reed. It seems a bit unnecessarily awkward to bring them in in the…
I was being sarcas…oh forget it!
I was being sarcas…oh forget it!
What about Cleos Frey? It's just not the same without Cleos Frey!
What about Cleos Frey? It's just not the same without Cleos Frey!
SPOILER: I'm curious as to the point of all this extra characterization of Shae. Is it just to make things all the more harrowing for Tyrion when she does finally betray him. What exactly are they trying to do with her?
SPOILER: I'm curious as to the point of all this extra characterization of Shae. Is it just to make things all the more harrowing for Tyrion when she does finally betray him. What exactly are they trying to do with her?
Asha seemed to have an almost casual contempt for Theon in the books, Now it seems like outright and irrational hatred. Maybe it's because the show makes Theon seem far more sympathetic than the books do.
Also, is Asha (sorry HBO, Yara) considerably more unpleasant in the show than she is in the book?