
bury me at sea now, where no miracles can find me
bury me at sea for it'll rock me like your dreams
take a match and burn the sun
when it won't hurt anyone
and wait a day then dance away
one tear the salten sea redeems

His cheese game is strong.

What about being a 9/11 truther? Does he get a pass for that too?

Chistopher Hitchens eviscerates her in his book 'The Missionary Position'. Despite raising huge amounts of money on the back of them, her hospitals in Calcutta seemed little more than warehouses where people were laid on the floor to die while she jetted round the world in fine style to be worshipped by everyone who

For the first time ever, I agree with pretty much everyone.

I think you're still just sulking that your side lost, Bane.

The ability to lose heat is such a vital factor though. Long distance running is about the only physical thing humans are good at when compared to the rest of the animal kingdom. Pretty much everything else is faster in a short sprint but our hairless bodies and short toes let us lose heat and run efficiently so we

It's ironic that one of his constant targets is shallow consumerism, because he embodies the pitfalls of fashion. He was intensely hip for a good long while on the back of fight club but the faster something becomes fashionable the quicker it tumbles through apathy and derision to obscurity. It's not so much punk,

Watch "Down By Law".

Nothing at all Mad, what a bizarre comment, your name is obviously well chosen. What exactly is your problem with me? It's flattering that you're obsessing about me but I can live without it. As for your subject, well, you're the expert, you fill me in. I thought a liberal mentality embraced diversity and

I've never heard the Thermals but you're both right, the All Girl Summer Fun Band make perfect pop music. They're also a font of acute and fearless social-sexual comment, tackling the issues other less forthright bands shy away from - Grass skirts are itchy!

I've got something against Eliot. The Wasteland is just a grab bag of quotes thrown together at random to give leather elbowed university professors something to pick over as their wives drink themselves to death in the kitchen. When Ezra Pound slashes half of your opus for being pretentious gibberish you know

The live version of 'Idiot Wind' on Hard Rain. Incredible.

"You're a close-minded troll. Of course you'd make this into a "liberal vs. conservative" thing, you god damn caveman. Get fucked."

I've just read that synopsis too. Words fail me. How that sort of utter depravity makes Mr Tobias 'laugh out loud' is beyond me. I suppose I'm just not liberal and enlightened enough to enjoy the savage pointless torture of women as much as him.

The hatred and bigotry hurled at Daily Mail readers by supposedly liberal people here dwarfs any displayed in that paper. I thought you all embraced diversity - or does that acceptance of difference only apply to people who think exactly the same as you do? When the Daily Mail doesn't run a campaign against her and

Louise Gluck is wonderful. Her early book 'the house on marshland' is my favourite book full stop.

Rubbish. Ted Hughes was a great writer, his reputation suffered because academic english literature is dominated by women and they never forgave him for dumping Sylvia Plath or burning her journals. Ms Duffy is appallingly bad but very few of the great British poets have actually held this post, it usually goes to

The Descent is brilliant. The idea that the creatures are actually hallucinations of the girl who is actually killing all her friends works for me as well. The last scene, the one cut from the US theatrical release I believe, is incredibly touching and scary and powerful in its quiet horror.

I wish you'd all stop saying 'back in the day'. Bloody Kevin Smith has a lot to answer for.