
I just watched Suicide Club. It is an incredibly weird experience. Most films just trundle along in the same vein, like a train journey along fixed tracks. This is like going on three different ghost trains at once. I have no idea what it means but I'm a slightly different person for watching it. I'm really glad

There comes a point, LD where something stops being ironic and starts just being annoying. That said, this is the A.V. Club, so it's the perfect place for it.

Michael Moore is a mendacious blowhard. As for the comments, well, a middle class college kid's enthusiasm for socialism stands in inverse proportion to their actual experience of living under it.

Geek Love is on demonoid if anyone wants it.

His name was Nicholas. Plath had two children with Hughes and after he left her for another woman she gassed herself while the infants slept in the next room, her suicide note was pinned to their pram. She left out bread and milk for them. That sort of stuff makes me cry but I'm just a chick so, naw, it's ok, snark

Good to know Woody Allen is amongst us.

A lot depends on where you hit your head. Your forehead is very thick bone, while just above your ears the skull is thin and there's an artery which, if damaged, will bleed into your brain and kill you. Maybe that's why most people put their arms up to protect the side of their head, rather than their face, when

I pressed my button once and yet I came twice. The joys of having a clitoris.

I pressed my button once and yet I came twice. The joys of having a clitoris.

trajeado, the BBC is not 'Government funded' - nothing is Government funded actually, all the money comes from taxpayers - there is a s substantial annual levy on every household with a TV in the country called the license fee, if you don't pay it, you can go to prison. Every household, rich or poor, pays the same

trajeado, the BBC is not 'Government funded' - nothing is Government funded actually, all the money comes from taxpayers - there is a s substantial annual levy on every household with a TV in the country called the license fee, if you don't pay it, you can go to prison. Every household, rich or poor, pays the same

As a hundred other people have pointed out. Use Firefox as your browser, enable adblock plus and flashblock as ad-ons and you'll never see another advert again.

He's a twat. What he did to Andrew Sachs was unforgiveable. That smarmy wanker Ross is just as bad.

I find it hard to believe that an interview with William Shatner attracted only one comment, but there it is.

mbs, sweet as you are, you don't have to reply to everything in every thread. It comes off as a bit needy.

Are we allowed to agree with Triphesa, Decal, or is yours the only opinion permitted?

Unfortunately she doesn't qualify on the 'actress' front.

I don't recall anyone calling out Jack Nicholson or Warren Beatty for sleeping with everyone up to and possibly including Golda Meir in those days. I say good luck to Ms. Kidder, there was so much pubic hair in the seventies it's a wonder anyone got laid at all. Anyway, as for how many lovers we've had, it's all

I've got red hair, good vision and prefer the term 'self hating dyke'.

If running for office means you're Hitler then presumably the brothers just ran out of space to equate JFK with Stalin and Obama with Pol Pot. Still I'm sure such razor edged and original political commentary is a lot more powerful when all nicely coloured in and everything.