
"There but for the grace of God goes God."

"There but for the grace of God goes God."

Sunshine's a great film.

Don't do it, Mr Boyle. Trainspotting was great, but then so was Clerks and we all know what happened there. In real life the characters would either be dead or accountants and nobody wants to see that.

It's an excellent, heart wrenching film though I'm obviously biased as a tyke born and bred. I felt myself dissolving back into the landscape, even as it reopened the ever tender scars of adolescent obsession, half expecting my old school friends to jump out from behind a tree.

This is a terrific film, infinitely better than all that childish mystic trudging nonsense Jackson made his fortune with later. It captures the fevered intensity of teenage friendships through presenting events through the girls' deluded eyes and the real horror of their act is all the more shockingl because of that.

And what do you think people who play Chopin on the piano of an evening rather than listen to Linkin Park, read Racine rather than Watchmen and, gasp, enjoy films made in, you know, other countries think of your taste in all things artistic?

How about schools teach you maths, science, English and history properly and you watch films and listen to pop music and read cool books in your own time? Classes in 'film studies' and the like are a complete waste of time.

AncientChineseSecret, your country didn't see Nazi Germany as a threat. Let's remember that F.D. Roosevelt was elected on a platform of staying neutral and that you were quite happy to sit out World War Two while Hitler rampaged through Europe. The USA only declared war on Nazi Germany AFTER Hitler declared war on

So an American film having a 'pro-USA' message is controversial now is it? Presumably if the film had blamed recent American foreign policy for the ravening hordes of Genghis Khan, the millions murdered in the Gulag and the loss of a quarter of Europe's population to the Black Death it would have been nominated for

The Soviet army did a lot more raping than the German one.

Women go for status and money, just as men go for youth and fertility, all that loving a sense of humour stuff is a lie. We don't care what's in your trousers, once we get married and have a couple of kids we'd rather get on with the ironing.

Now that everybody bit-torrents or netflixes everything the only way to sell a physical disc is to flog it in a novelty box which collectors will value or which is at least distinctive in itself. The boxes are going to get ever weirder, the colourful booklets ever fatter and, for all the marketing effort, sales will

So someone gives themselves a gimmicky name to stand out from the crowd and Southernfried Jihad and Yoko Homo ridicule her? And what exactly is so bizarre and contemptible about a personal fitness instructor trying to make a bit of money by appearing in a personal fitness video? It's an attempt to sell a generic

The only good thing about terrible Hollywood remakes of classic british 60s/Japanese and South Korean horror films is that they might make some people bit torrent i mean rent or buy the far superior originals. Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery.

I was really sad to hear about John Martyn's death. When I was fifteen he played me a song in a cafe in Harrogate and I've never forgotten it. His later recording career was a bit of a mess and he struggled with alcoholism and his health for a long time, but he was a great acoustic guitarist and a song like 'Solid

He can lean on as many ghetto walls as he wants but he's a multi millionaire rock star who does as many shifts down the fish packing plant as Queen Elizabeth. I like the big singer songwriters, Dylan's a genius, Waits is wonderful but I always felt Springsteen was just posing. Here's me being tough, here's me being

She's a lesbian? Maybe someone better tell her husband and two kids then.

"Maybe he's one of those directors that's only as good as the screenplay he's given" - well quite. While audiences give all the credit in a film to the actors and critics laud the director as the 'Auteur', the fact remains that if it's not on the page, it's not on the screen. The director and stars are constantly

Updike could turn a phrase like few others but his subject was always himself and his immediate circumstances, rather than the wider world around him. The life of a writer must be a tedious one for the most part and there are only so many novels one can read about the musings of a gradually ageing literary type in