
You've absolutely no idea what the word "fascism" means, do you Alison?

Seeing as the original film was shit, it's probably just as well these new films have only a little name recognition in the title in common. 

There's a brilliant little Russian faux documentary film called "First on the Moon" about a Soviet moon shot in the 1930s.  I'd recommend tracking it down as, judging by the review above, it's everything Apollo 18 isn't.

Conan is someone all the hip kids like in theory but nobody, hip kids included, actually watches in practice.  He's also getting at least 12 million dollars a year for his current show, a rather better deal than most people who've been sacked in the last year or two.  Leno's job isn't to impress people on the AV Club

I agree.  The lack of subject lines not only removes humour, it makes the threads far too homogeneous.  The inlaid replies on the other hand are just annoying, rather than making things clearer.  Two thumbs down or, seeing as it's the AV Club, up the bum.

Even though I was logged in, I had to log out and log in twice more before this stupid thing allowed me to reply.  The threaded replies look horrible on the screen, those fucking buttons popping up are annoying and the avatars look like they're being seen from underneath an old fashioned coke bottle.  On that subject,

Anti-War MP? That would be the lovely Mr Galloway, the man who described the fall of the Soviet Union as 'the saddest day of his life'. Mr Galloway isn't anti war, he's just on the other side smauis.

It's not just the anachronisms, it's the blatant lies. In the film the nasty government which tries to shut down the pirate stations is, of course, Conservative because Mr Curtis hates the Conservatives. In reality the government was, of course, Harold Wilson's Labour Government. The minister who pursued the pirate

Apollo gave Cassandra the gift of prophesy but when she refused his advances, he cursed her so she'd never be believed. Lots of films have a magical mentor who somehow knows everything and passes on that knowledge to the hero, but there's a far more interesting tragedy in the person whose insight is matched only by

She might fuck him, it's worth a go.

Just when I thought you'd finally reached the bottom of the barrel with this one, hacked through it and were starting on the concrete cellar floor beneath, I read Steve Hyden's comment about Highway 61 Revisited.

To be fair, he was completely right about the Montgolfier brothers first flying in a balloon in 1903 and the Columbia shuttle disaster happening in 1998. I also think that he's spot on about all technology being damaging in the long run and that the liberal position should be to oppose it. I look forward to the

Literary fiction is just a writing and marketing genre like Science Fiction or Detective novels. Such books win awards and get reviewed in broadsheets but they sell fewer copies and are forgotten just as quickly in the main. Any 'genre' book which survives automatically gets promoted to 'Literature' a few decades

Good point guys, I'm sure the cold war would have ended at pretty much the same time if Carter and Mondale had been President instead of Reagan. Won by the other side of course, but that's nit picking.

The grey sides are horrible. Maybe they're full of adverts though, who knows?

No, you're 100% right.

Why would he feel any shame? Morality only applies to people we don't like, right kids?

I don't think you know what '19th century' means.

Wow, that picture, she suddenly looks like her mother.

The rest of the world gets stupid American films about baseball and american football shoved at it all the time, despite the fact that these games are played only in the USA and are of no interest to anyone else. Why shouldn't you watch a game about soccer or cricket for that matter? I look forward to a remake of