
That great Leeds United team under Revie had a reputation for being hard but fair, well hard anyway (to quote Porridge) but they weren't actually that ruthless when it came to winning championships and cups. They had an infuriating habit of finishing second when they really should have won. Although they won it

How will 'the old wobbly' in Nathan Rabin like being served coffee and having his pencils sharpened by unpaid labour? Presumably there's some radical and right on reason why this is just tickety boo.

Don Bradman is the greatest sportsman, rather than athlete, of all time. He averaged 99.94 in test cricket, compared to the next best of Pollock, Headley and Sutcliffe who all averaged just over 60. That's the equivalent of Usain Bolt winning the hundred metres by 40 metres.

No, I'm not 'trollin' H.P. Hovacraft.

This is a really stupid idea for an article. Given the intersection of the demographic this site attracts and the subject matter you're really setting yourselves up for something tragic. Despite your disclaimer and, perhaps hurriedly put together, forthcoming list of anti-suicide songs I really think someone should

"The U.S. is a very conformist culture, and so is communist China" Really AV Club? A western liberal democracy which over the past 50 years has produced the beats, the hippies, hip hop, the civil rights movement, the anti vietnam war protests, the sainted Obama and a thousand other 'anti establishment' phenomena is

Chancellor, they're both world war two references, but it's a very muddle headed way of putting them together. The 'Blitz' was the German bombing campaign against Britain in 1940 and early 1941, you know when the USA was still sitting on its collective backside eating doughnuts. The RAF flattened Dresden towards the

They're like fleas trying to take the piss out of an elephant for not being big enough. Bob Dylan is a jerk? Fuck off Amelie.

I agree with joey and fever dog, you have the giants of Weezer on this list but not Dylan's 'Self Portrait'? As Griel Marcus cogently commented at the time 'What is this shit?'. Just because it didn't happen five minutes ago, doesn't mean it didn't happen at all.

Bujold is a fantastic actress and radiates intelligence on the screen. She's also terrific in Coma and it's a real shame she's had so few major roles in recent years. Choose Me is a brilliant film as well.

Think about it at a personal level. What if you'd asked that girl out when you were fifteen instead of just pining for her hopelessly? What if you'd studied a different course at a different college? What if you hadn't walked out drunk in front of a truck and broke your back? People think about alternatives for

I'm in Australia and Lala doesn't work here. Therefore there's no chance of me listening to the music you review, and so no chance of me buying it. I'm amazed you introduced this change without considering this issue properly. How does making your website worse for a substantial chunk of your readers help you at

This is a wonderful film, perhaps because it was made for adults, rather than 13 year olds like pretty much everything today.

Why does it bother you? Because a comedian making fun of people you don't like is hilarious and ground breaking and brilliant but exactly the same guy making fun of people you do like in exactly the same way is politically incorrect and problematic and worrisome?

Noel Coward, a writer other people have actually heard of, noted the extraordinary power of cheap music in a single phrase before any of these people were born.

This is about the sum of money which Alex James of Blur said he'd spent on cocaine and champagne. I hope the proceeds of this case are invested equally wisely.

The sequel, based on the Koran, will be a blast though.

alyxandr is right, the Copenhagen interpretation doesn't say anything of the kind Gentle Herpes.

Muso-geeks can actually play their instrument, rather than just pretend to while miming to a video game. Does it come with a free hairbrush to 'sing' into as well as the plastic tennis racket to strum?

So how did that work out for the Soviet Union in the end then?