Ellen Degeneres With a Neckbea

Wait wait wait, did this exchange really take place? Because it doesn't look edited:

The Adventures of Coc

Wheatley is one of those directors I'm pretty familiar with - I can probably name most of his movies and their basic plot - without having seen any of his stuff. None of it ever seemed appealing, but this looks fun so it's likely to be my introduction to him. I'm looking forward to it.

Don't forget A Mother's Purpose, a deeply offensive film about a mom being reincarnated to raise different children.

I know you don't get a lot of traffic for these, but more please!


It's telling that the thing he's most proud of for supposedly introducing into the genre is something that had been done since at least 2008 and The Dark Knight. I'm sure you could easily find earlier examples.

They review all (or nearly all) theatrical releases, regardless of quality or political/philosophical affiliation of their production companies. Your argument could also be applied to everything ranging from the Transformers movies to Dinesh D'Souza documentaries. Do you think the A.V. Club should also refrain from

How apt is it that they're watching the movie instead of reading the book? We're looking at a book, we're trying to get started etc.

Punisher is the most extreme example, but I feel this way about most superheroes. Someone like Daredevil is only marginally better because he doesn't go out of his way to execute extrajudicially, but it's still bound to happen from time to time.

Yeah, if there's one thing that's of any relevance to the U.S. presidential elections, it's endorsements from stand-up comedians.

"Anonymized information"

Until it comes out, I won't believe it will even get made. And even then, as I'm sitting in the theater as the lights go down, I'll be suspicious. If The Dissolve were still alive, I'm sure they'd rate the news very low on their believable-o-meter.

Nice try, A.V. Club, I ain't tellin' you my age!

Well, there was a lot of smoking involved.

Vague spoilers, they could also jettison the entire back half of the story (as told by the anime, and I assume manga). because there's nothing in there that wasn't already told in a better way in the first half.

"Love reading All the President's Men. Watergate is my hero. #watergate"

I first watched it at 12 or so, had absolutely no idea what was going on and still loved it. It remains one of my favorite movies.

I can neither confirm nor deny that information, partly because I'm not sure where this comment will end up once I click on the post button.

I don't want to sound too mean, but he looks like he would probably be a super handsome dude on some alien planet.