Ellen Degeneres With a Neckbea

I also enjoyed it very much. I realized I like this tone of MCU much more than I do all these recent Russo movies. Among other things, I was impressed by how it managed to introduce the world without getting bogged down in exposition. He can become some kind of a ghost? Sure, why not? We get how ghosts work. There is

I wish you talked more about The Twilight Zone, but great Random Roles as usual! Needless to say, I read every answer in a pretentious, overly dramatic Dick-from-3rd-Rock-from-the-Sun voice.

She looks exactly like Alice from accounting. Admittedly, Alice is only popular when people need some food heated.

You mean NeverChange MBS

Phuket, we'll do it live.

For sure, I'm just giving free advice. Alternatively, you could do it a little more organically, e.g. "This is a great show. You know what else is great? OUR LORD AND SAVIOR"

I don't even like Kevin's movies that much.

Wait wait wait, are you proselytizing in the comments of the A.V. Club's The Exorcist review? If that's the case, surely your time and energy would be better spent elsewhere.

The A.V. Club

Between that and Bill Affleck, it's like I don't know what the A.V. Club is even talking about anymore. I guess someone canceled proofreading as well.

Meanwhile, at the MCU headquarters…

"Don’t mind my creepy black cloak, my horribly evil-sounding voice, or terrifying face. It's the Jedi that are trying to take over."

"Robin, what have I done to you?"

The soundtrack was the only really good part of BvS. I wasn't crazy about Gal Gadot's acting, but every scene she was in immediately livened up the movie, courtesy of that theme.

These movies usually avoid superheroes fighting real people or organizations - that draft-dodger Captain America fought Hydra instead of the real Nazis.

Your uncle makes how much a week by being a satanist from home?

I know Leo loves the environment, but that bear love scene was a little too much.

Fanfiction is the key term here, which I don't think applies to any of the original movies (TFA, on the other hand…). And I am half-joking about the whole thing, but she literally explains to Han Solo how to get more power out of the engines.

I can't even muster a jokey response to how depressing this sounds. Fun times will be had by all… who go and see Doctor Strange instead.

The original. Like I said, it's certainly smart, but it's also very much a genre flick, as its numerous head explosions can attest.