Ellen Degeneres With a Neckbea

“The A.V. Club started following you”

Yup, I didn't detect a hint of Wiseau accent or voice at first. It's almost like he's only attempting it in parts where he could use the movie as a reference. He looks like he's completely disappeared in the role of James Franco.

Will Arnett as Don Jr.: "They're collusions, dad!"

If you watch the video under which you're commenting, you'll get your questions answered.

Everything was fine until they started singing "Flappy".

That is a very strange thing to say, especially given that a member of the Trump administration was also the producer on BvS and Suicide Squad.

This joke being that you accidentally had a shart.

Seeing only the first movie is actually the correct order of watching the series.

Maybe they just assumed a trillion means three million.

Fake math!

Fool of a Trump!

I'd love to know what these are from, if only my stupid eyes could read white letters on white background!

And none of the actors from Alien can hold a candle to Eddie Murphy's performance.

I don't mind most horror movie gore because it somehow seems so removed from my experience. It's the small stuff that gets me, and the only time I remember a movie having an effect like you describe was years ago, watching a prison movie called Animal Factory with Willem Dafoe and Edward Furlong.

He could have saved space if he had just added an opening quotation mark at the beginning of his first tweet ever.

Yeah, I remember watching the movie for the second time and thinking, "Wait, 'Matrix cannot be explained, it must be experienced'? A simple explanation is entirely possible! It would make Neo's decision much more informed and the experience much less shocking."

Yeah, I was hoping this would be an oral history instead. No offense to all the lispy film school hipsters who make Youtube videos aping Every Frame a Painting, but I'd much rather read/listen to some of the key players looking back on the movie 25 years later.

Ordinary people - enjoying a sunset
Creative people - wearing blackface

This happens to me as well, except I have recurring earworms that are triggered by phrases. Thinking or saying the words "It's always the same" never fails to get me humming "DVNO" from Justice for the rest of the day. It's always the same with that song.

Aleppo was a Republican, not many people know this.